After some prompting from some of my friends, I am posting about a - TopicsExpress


After some prompting from some of my friends, I am posting about a personal journey. I have been brutally honest about myself and if you know me at all, you know that I am known to tell it like it is. I apologize that it turned into a mini novel but I hope you can read til the end. Here it goes: My name is Lynane Plumlee. I live in Giddings, a small town in central Texas . I am 51 yrs old, happily married for 31 years and momma to two productive kids (a married daughter who is a physical therapist and a son who is completing his last semester of college at Texas A & M) You must bear with me on some of my background to understand my Thrive experience. I was fortunate to be a stay at home mom with my kids. With my son (my second child), I had a scare earlier in my pregnancy and was put on a bed rest for a while. Everything turned out well (8 lbs 12 oz bouncing, baby boy) but I had packed on over 60 lbs. I left the hospital at 182 lbs YIKES. I didn’t have any trouble losing the weight, just diet, walking, and chasing two kids under 3 years of age all day long and I was 28 years old. Everything is easy when you’re young, right? I lost down to 125 lbs. I can still remember how good I felt. As the kids got into high school, I was very involved in volunteering for everything imaginable and being at all their sporting events. I was the team mom who made sure everybody had a snack and a pep rally sign. It was so much fun and my kids (and all their friends) were the absolute center of my life. My entire day revolved around them and if I could go back in time and do it all over, I would in a heartbeat. However, I didn’t spend too much time worrying about myself. I began to gain some extra weight and attributed it to being in my 40’s. As I began to approach my 50’s, my kids have left home and have their own lives (my son is getting closer ) I am working for my husband’s oilfield company and keeping up the household. I miss my activities with all those kids so much and the birds can have their empty nest back. To make the transition of being an “empty nest mom” even worse, the oilfield business explodes with new drilling and my husband begins to work out of town for months at a time. You know you are in a bad spot when you are having conversations with the dog on a daily basis and my weight had crept up to 165 lbs. I can blame the weight gain on fast food, very little exercise and a whole lot of chocolate. I turned to my most trusted friend in the whole world for help. Yes, mam, I saddled up my horse. I am most certainly not a gym rat but I am a barn rat. My horses and my barn have always been my therapy and my escape for some “me time”. I was as fat and out of shape as my horse. It was a good thing that my horse’s butt was nice and wide because mine was too. Wow, it was just an effort to get her saddled and then to try and heave myself up on her back. So in my frustration to get some of the weight off, my physical therapist daughter suggested I try Pilates and yoga. I liked it and felt better until I tore my knee up while performing one of the Yoga skills. When I called to tell my big city Dallas daughter about my knee injury, she couldn’t believe that my instructor had allowed me to be in the wrong position for that Yoga move. I told her in our small town, my Walmart DVD did not come with a personal trainer and that my instructor on the TV screen must have missed that I was leaning too far forward. So now comes knee surgery and months of swelling, no horseback riding and more pounds. I was so frustrated with myself and depressed. What on earth was I going to do with my life now? No horse, no kids to take care of. I had a lot of chores to do around the house but no desire to do any of them. My knee was still bothersome and my extra weight was not helping it get well. So I would buy some kind of supplement or a diet book, go on that diet and attempt to do some kind of exercise. I would get on the treadmill and walk and walk and walk. I even had a sticky note on my treadmill that reminded me every time I walked that somewhere inside of me there was an athlete because I knew that surely my athletic kids had inherited some of their genetics from me. My time on running a mile was “the twelth of never”. This repeated routine would last about a week. I would see absolutely no results and then I would eat some chocolate. I am being totally honest here. I can’t count the money that I have spent on “self help books” but it was easy to count the pounds that I lost, which was pretty close to zero. I finally got my knee back to a tolerable pain level and saddled up my horse again but my weight gain required purchasing larger jeans and a larger saddle to accommodate my larger butt. This did not help my mood at all. I was very overweight and pretty unhappy with myself. I began to get a lot of feedback from the money that we had spent on my daughter’s physical therapy education. She had helped me rehab my knee and began to make lists of what I needed to eat and really got on to me about my coffee and Diet Coke consumption. I dutifully listened and quit the diet cokes but the coffee and chocolate were another story. As a “you drank entirely too much coffee intervention”, my kids gave me an individual serving coffee pot so I couldn’t make a whole pot of coffee and would be forced to make one cup at a time. Poking fun at me but also a huge reality check, they also bought a sign that said “No talkie before coffee” and placed it over the new coffee server on the counter. It curtailed some of my coffee drinking (have you priced those individual little serving cups?) but I still continued to be the morning person who slowly walked to the kitchen, daring anyone, including the dog, to say a word before I had drank a cup of coffee. After the coffee, you were allowed to speak to me. Scary, but true. Now that you are up to date on my last 20 years of fun with my kids, my horses, my yo yo diets, and lack of desire to exercise. Here is my Thrive experience for the last 90 days. I was standing in the one checkout line at our local Walmart, when an acquaintance got in line behind me. We said our “how are you’s” and asked about each other’s kids and I noticed that her skin was just glowing with health and she had lost some weight. I complimented her on how good she looked and she told me that she was taking a pharmaceutical grade supplement called Thrive and how much she loved it. I told her that she should continue to take Thrive because it obviously was working. She told me to look it up and if I was interested she could get me some samples. I went home and looked it up and studied the ingredients. I FB messaged Stacye Lehmann and she met me, once again in the Walmart parking lot, with samples. Stacye began to tell me all the ways that Thrive had improved her life. Her moods, her mental clarity, her sleeping, her weight loss and her aches/pains…….OK, now I was in the Walmart parking lot, this lady was beginning to talk a lot of “snake oil salesman” talk and it is dawning on me that she is just a small town acquaintance and I really didn’t know her that well. There is no way this Thrive works like she is telling me it works BUT she did look really good so I took the samples. After all, I had tried everything else, why not Thrive? I have to make a trip to my Mom’s house to take her to a doctor appointment. I bring in my Thrive samples and tell her that I am embarking on yet another diet experiment. We joked about it because we both know my history with supplements and diet books but I told her about running into Stacye and how good she looked. The next morning (Thrive Day One), I take my two capsules with a glass of water on an empty stomach. I wait 20 minutes and make a smoothie with the Thrive Shake mix , drink it and then apply my DFT patch. (The DFT patch was a little bit of a challenge since the directions said “apply to clean skin on a LEAN area of your body”.) My mother was up and came into the kitchen and I told her that I felt “different”. It was hard to describe. It wasn’t jittery or amped up energy. It was happy and “let’s get something done” energy. I went about the next few days, taking my Thrive as instructed and taking my Mom to her appointments I realized that I had not had one cup of coffee. I didn’t even want one. This was a really big deal. I have had zero coffee and, get this, almost zero chocolate in my 90 days on Thrive. My husband began to notice that I was busy doing some neglected chores around the house (closets and drawers were being purged). He also commented that I was waking up before him and smiling and talking (remember the “no talkie before coffee” sign?). We went on a family vacation cruise in June and I bee bopped all over that ship and the kids would say, “Aunt Nan is Thriving”. I would dance with the kids until midnight, wake up before my husband the next morning, take my Thrive, go for a walk around the ship and bring him breakfast in bed. This was an about face in a 30 plus year marriage. My family was definitely seeing a change in me because my son in law commented “this Thrive has changed your life”. While I took my Thrive on the cruise, I did enjoy myself and ate all that I wanted to eat including dessert every night. I only gained 2 lbs. that week. I have now completed 90 days of Thrive. I have lost 13 lbs and a whole lot of inches. Sadly, I didn’t measure myself when I started because I didn’t expect any results. I have discovered that I have a waist now and those lovely pockets of menopausal back fat have disappeared. I ride my horse every morning (she is now too happy about my Thrive) and I am flopping around in my saddle as it is “too big for my shrinking butt”. Hard for me to believe, but true. New Saddle shopping is on the horizon. I am sleeping more soundly and I am able to exercise more because my knee pain is gone. Along with riding my horse, I am jumping on a rebound trampoline while watching Wheel of Fortune every night. Don’t laugh, it is harder than it looks. I am making healthier food choices and drinking more water. I am more productive in every aspect of life. My only goal in trying Thrive was to feel better and hopefully, look better. My skin and nails are healthier and I feel so much better. It is good to be busy and accomplishing tasks. Being happier has made me realize that being 50 isn’t quite so awful and that empty nest is not as bad I thought. I have a loving hard working husband who makes me laugh every single day. My kids still care enough to call and tell me about their day and they are living productive lives. My house is more organized and my horse stalls are clean. I thank God for my blessings each day and for putting Stacye Lehmann in my Walmart checkout line. On the Le-vel Thrive business side….I decided to sign up as a promoter because I knew that I would never let myself be without these products. I haven’t hit any kind of VIP bonus as my goal was only to change my habits and become my own VIP, not sell anything. While it has been exciting to read all the testimonies about other’s success and their new cars, I have everything I need with my pickup truck and horse trailer. But I can wholeheartedly be a promoter of Thrive and tell you that it works and you will get results. From an undisciplined eat everything bad for you, coffee drinking, chocolate eating, no exercising, so much to do so little desire to do it, my knee is swelled to totally upgraded, happier, energetic and 13 lbs and counting lighter new and upgraded momma….. Thrive has changed me. Thrive is everything that the web site tells you that it is and more. If you are anything like me, take a chance and give the 8 week experience a try. It was the very best thing that I have ever done for myself.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 19:50:50 +0000

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