After spending the day fighting off the cold in my blood, and a - TopicsExpress


After spending the day fighting off the cold in my blood, and a Rab C Nesbitt binge I thought Id look through facebook to see how the battle against #IrishWater is going the island over, and to say Im shocked is an understatement, shocked but ecstatic! The updates and comments have evolved from IF IW and the rates are defeated, into WHEN IW and the rates are defeated. In the space of 6months Ive seen an island floating around defeated and the livesblood taken, now Im seeing an island rising with the pride and passion that many thought was long gone from the Irish people,I never doubted my fellow island men, women and children for a minute, unlike the political classes! We are after all the people who brought an empire to its knees! The Dublin protests started one morning back in April, a week after the people of Togher Cork made their stand, with just a handful of people and a resident who wasnt having a bar of the national disgrace that is Bord Uisce/Irish Water. Months of non-stop fun, physical attacks from IW workers, the welfare having me at the edge of insanity, the garda having a gallop at harassment and the branch giving intimidation laughable attempts but what Ive seen has made every second of it worth while. Im seeing a race of people reclaim their own, their communities and futures back. Im seeing the Irish people shake off the shackles of fear, apathy and shame, replaced by the comfort of knowledge, tenacity and a hunger for an end to the suffering the previous 2governments have inflicted upon us. The empty void in our lives have been replaced by a fire in our hearts and a passion that roars ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! It seems like yesterday when there was only 1protest in Dublin against IW and only the 4of us sitting there in the lashing rain wondering is it really worth the effort. Like the flu this battle has spread, and in the process has made thousands aware of what is really going on upon this island of ours. Yes we may be living in a rotten Republic with a Vichy government, but we are also prepared to stand up for ourselfs and what is right! Our birthrights give us under Article 40.6.1/2 the right to air our opposing views to government policy peacefully, that article is our biggest weapon in the collective Irish armoury and this government knows it! They have taken enough liberties when it comes to our daily lives, and we are reminding them daily it is US, the Irish people, that has the power on this island, not an economic council of 4, the Cabinet table or the inhabitants of Leinster House! It is the person looking back at you in the mirror that has the true power, exercise that power! Locally today I saw a blow-in inspector from another area, used to blow-in garda at this state in this battle, order his garda to block a taxi with an extremely ill 14mnt old baby from getting to Temple Street. We are talking about a community in NE Dublin in 2014. Garda under orders preventing a sick baby getting help, they also prevented a resident and their child getting to the CRC today in the same community. Call me old fashioned but if I took a uniform and made an oath to protect the Irish people I wouldnt be preventing a sick baby from getting medical attention even if there was a loader gun to me head! Its my understanding that GSOC has already after getting a good few complaints today over the actions of that Inspector and his subordinates and I hope dearly they pay with their jobs! The oul I was just acting under orders speel didnt work in the late 40s abroad in Europe, it doesnt wash with me in 2014! This Vichy government may have declared war against us all with its death by a thousand cutbacks, but today was a physical manifestation of this governments policy in action on the streets of Donaghmede! Now more then ever the Irish people need to see that we only have ourselfs, the garda have joined the government in turning its backs on the Irish people and our views,concerns and opinions. Take strength and courage from the fact that all over this island there are thousands just like you, on skidrow every week wondering how has life become a daily battle to survive, but also be prepared to make a stand for yourself, armed with knowledge and the passion of the want of a better tomorrow! Our glorious tri-colour of Green White and Orange symbolises unity of the Irish people. Let us once more be united under its colours, first against the injustice of IW, and then the insult of the Kenny led FG/Lab government! Time is a luxury, just like the daily essentials for many, do we start 2015 with the same old intransigence of this government, or do we start the new year marching on to a glorious future? Only you can answer that. Everyone has a decision to make, do I want the constant scandals, deaths, sufferings, emigrations amongst others to be in my name? Or do I want live in a proud Ireland with future worth living? The choice is yours... God Save Ireland!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 19:11:44 +0000

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