After the LORD brought me into the Jewish root of my Christian - TopicsExpress


After the LORD brought me into the Jewish root of my Christian faith at Passover 2008, I was introduced to the work of Hatikvah Trust. Through the films that Hatikvah produces, I came to understand the intimate historical connection between Israel and the UK over many centuries. Most especially, I came to understand the extreme importance of our modern shared history, without which our present relations with Israel make no sense. It seems to be a fact of our times that we have become a now culture, with a poor understanding of our heritage. I had not enjoyed history at school, but Gods revelations to me had whetted my appetite to dig deeper. I learned that in 1922 the UK had made a solemn promise before all the other nations of the world, to facilitate the return of the Jewish people to their ancient historic homeland. I also learned how the desire for Oil, for control of Suez, and the desire for Empire, led the UK to forsake that promise to Israel. As individuals, it is not a small thing when we forsake our promises, and as nations it is surely even more important that we are true to our word. Well through Hatikvah, I learned some extremely important things- that the UK has indeed broken its promises to Israel. I learned that we promoted the rise of anti-Jewish activity within Palestine, by supporting the rise of the Emir of Jerusalem, and that as WW2 drew near, we blocked the flow of European Jewish refugees, as they tried to escape to the only place where they would be safe, to build a new life for themselves. I learned that we built concentration camps for the Jews who did actually manage to reach Israel (then called Palestine of course), and that we shipped them back OUT of Israel. One of those camps, Atlit, still exists IN ISRAEL, as a memorial to this history!! I learned that after the war, we actually rammed a Jewish refugee ship with one of our warships, so great was our desire to stop the Jewish people taking possession of their land!! Finally I learned that when the UN voted in 1948 for Israel to become a nation, on a tiny fraction of the land promised to her in 1948, we chose to abstain, preferring favour with the Arab peoples above our solemn promise of 1922. My dear friends. These are very serious matters indeed, and there has been very little national repentance concerning them. I challenge you to consider them, without being deeply moved as I was. As we enter the Christmas season, let us enjoy our time as families together, but let us not be blind as to what is happening in the wider world. Things are moving world wide at an ever increasing speed towards the return of our Lord and Saviour, and above all, we Christians are to be a people who know and understand the signs of the times, and who know what to do. It is my deep and heartfelt conviction that the LORD himself is raising Israel to a place of increasing importance which no nation can ignore. He remains Israels faithful husband. He is doing this quite deliberately, in order that we might consider carefully the foundations on which we build our lives. Many would answer me I build my life on Christ. I agree 100% with that of course, but we must never forget that there is nothing about either our Saviour or our Scriptures that is not Jewish. We must also come to understand the the New Covenant, in which we place our trust, was built on the foundation of the eternal Abrahamic Covenant. We must also not forget that our Saviour will soon return to Jerusalem to be crowned as King over the whole world, and will reign there, in peace and justice for a 1000 years in the midst of his ancient people. At that time, there will no longer be any armies or training for war across the face of the entire earth. This is a wonderful and glorious hope and future!! If our hearts are right, he will call us also to reign alongside Him over those 1000 years! I believe therefore, that we must learn how to give proper honour to the people who gave our Saviour birth. As the spirit of Antichrist rises in the earth, we must properly prepare ourselves, being alert and ready. The best way to do this is to give the Jewish people their due honour as the firstborn, the most important nation, among the nations of the world. This is what Moses declared to Pharaoh in Ex 4:22. The two Kingdoms are about to enter their final battle! Please consider giving your time to watching this free excerpt video from Hatikvahs library. If you find it helpful and stimulating, there is much more where it came from and you may therefore wish to support the production of their latest release. Every blessing to all of you dear friends and family this Christmas. Enjoy the holiday! With much love. Chris xxx
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 11:28:45 +0000

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