After the Reagan and Bush I administrations showed the resurgent - TopicsExpress


After the Reagan and Bush I administrations showed the resurgent strength of an unabashedly right-wing GOP, the Democrats abandoned the legacy of the progressive era, FDR, Kennedy, Johnson, and Carter, and embarked on the bold new toothless path of the Third Way, abandoning the moderate Keynesian and social-democratic policies of the past for a neoliberal, centrist vision under Clinton. In response, the GOP moved farther to the right, pushing austerity further, attacking the civil rights and feminist legacy more boldly, giving less of a damn about the environment, and becoming even more warlike. The Democratic Party base, asked to choose between the centrists and the center-right, chose the lesser of two evils. After the Bush administration, the Obama administration continued many of the Bush era policies (in the process, moving even farther to the right than the Third Way) by expanding the NSAs civil liberty violations, entangling us further in military ventures abroad, squandering the one chance we had at universal health care on an individual mandate with no public option, supporting fracking and an all of the above energy strategy, continuing the bank bailouts, and playing a leading role in coordinating the crackdown against the Occupy movement. In response, the GOP moved *even farther* to the right, to the point of frothing-mouthed Biblical literalist rants and John Birch style conspiracy theories becoming integral to their platform. The Democratic Party base, asked to choose between the center-right and the far-right, chose the lesser of two evils. Therefore, young Democrat, be wise. Be pragmatic. Choose the lesser of two evils in November, and in a few years when were asked to choose between the far-right and the ultra-right, choose the lesser of two evils then, too. Its the strategic thing to do.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 16:49:55 +0000

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