After three years almost on FB sharing the Gospel and Word of God - TopicsExpress


After three years almost on FB sharing the Gospel and Word of God to everybody I talk to as well as with all offline that I come into contact with I have come to a horrible conclusion. For the most part here in America we dont have true churches nor true Christians. Seems people who claims to be Christians have mixed and mashed Christianity and all forms of paganism into their own belief systems. They take for the most bits and pieces from the Word of God that suits their belief system and throw the rest out. They also twist and manipulate many of the Scriptures so that those Scriptures forms their false belief systems. All these so called Christians should become a Roman Catholic because that is who they are identical to. These people are nowhere close to the resemblance of the Christians in the NT or are their churches anywhere close to what the true churches in the NT where. Now they are so very much like the churches Paul had to write and rebuke. It breaks my heart to hear these people speak or read what they write because they always prove that they have really opened up their Bibles and have read and studied it for hours and hours, and days and days as well as years and years on end. Because of this they have all fallen prey to false teachers and prophets with their false gospels and christs. For all those who tells me every year from Oct-Dec is that God knows hearts to justify their bringing in paganism into their worship of God I say this to you! Christ said it is not what we put in our bodies that defiles us but it is what is inside of us that does. Not one place in the OT or NT do we see God at any point ok with His children incorporating paganism into their worship, adoration, thanksgiving, praising and love for Him. In fact Israel did this and over again even when God sent His prophets to tell them they have sinned against God and to repent. God is a holy, righteous and a just God who has set out in His Word what He wants from us. We dont get to tell God no about how we choose to worship Him. We have been called out and seperated from the world and its people. We are to do exactly what God tells us.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 04:11:42 +0000

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