After two weeks of being in evacuation mode from our apartment - TopicsExpress


After two weeks of being in evacuation mode from our apartment because of the yellow jacket infestation...WE GOT TO COME HOME TODAY!!! It was my dad who finally pushed management into hiring another exterminator. I spoke with the new pest control guy, and he told me that when he came in 5 days ago, he only saw two dead yellow jackets--and so he decided he didnt need to spray. He told me that the colder it gets, the safer well be--and as a matter of fact, he said he felt that this apartment has been safe to live in for over a week. Good to know! :D So I was going to come home about two days ago; however, Avriana brought some germs home to my moms (our evacuation home), and we all got sick. Well, Mom and Avie are on the mend now, but I finally caught it and am sick as a dog today. Oh, well! Who cares--cause we get to go home (I kept thinking)! So I packed up all of our stuff and hauled it to our apartment while Avie was in school. I literally busted my back trying to get it all done before I had to pick her up. Okay, not literally--but the truth of the matter is that I threw my back out so badly that I cant walk. But, AGAIN, who cares because we get to sleep in our own home tonight! About a half an hour ago, I got up to make supper. I limped into the kitchen and cooked it up. I thought Id just sneak out onto the balcony for a quick smoke before I served the food...and almost stepped, with my barefoot, on a LIVE yellow jacket on my living room floor. Then another. Yes, theyre still here. I smashed the ever-lovin out of them and then vacuumed them up. (Well, okay, Mom is staying the night, and she ended up smashing one of them herself--and now shes stationed in the other room so that we might FINALLY learn where the Sam Hill these things are using as points of entry.) Now Im stuck. :) I cant walk--DEFINITELY cant carry anything (like bags or blankets) to crash over at my moms again. My heads heavy with sickness and fatigue. And my worst phobia is magically appearing--LIVE--in the room next to me (open floor plan, yall--they are getting in 10 feet away from where Im sitting). I am so sad and tired that I could crumble. I havent cried in like two years, though, so Im not sure crumbling will happen. ;P Seriously, Im so far past anger (management called me a hot head because after a week of dealing patiently with this, I finally asserted myself and told them they BETTER do something about the wasps in my home)--anyway, Im so far past anger that...I dont know. No tears, no anger, just feeling absolutely bullied and defeated. Deflated. Helpless. Theyve beaten my spirit pretty badly. No, I dont want your suggestions of what to do anymore (despite my immense gratitude for all of your time and effort--your input ultimately served to put me in hot water with management). BUT...I could really use your prayers. Please pray we dont get stung. Please pray that we can get into our new apartment at the beginning of next month. And please pray that my mom can rest--because as of right now, shes still on guard duty in the other room. :( This is absolutely beyond ridiculous--FORCED to live with yellow jackets and not offered any other living arrangements until theyre exterminated (which they wont do, they said, because its safe here). Blah. Now Im rambling. Indicative of weariness. Peace out, homies. Love to you all. And thanks in advance for your prayers.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 23:22:57 +0000

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