After waking up to the reality that faces Us, our Families, our - TopicsExpress


After waking up to the reality that faces Us, our Families, our Nation and our World, I still believe more than ever in the simple core values that made us a once proud and independent Nation! Ideals such as Integrity, Decency, Loyalty, Truth and Honor have come under increasing attacks of contempt by those who now control our former United States Government! These core values are now looked upon as Naive and in need of discarding to embrace the argued more practical ideals of the PNAC, (Project for the New American Century). This is the same treasonous signed document that called for a Catalyzing Catastrophic Event such as a New Pearl Harbor, to help kick off the endless wars toward a concentrated Central Power they seek. The controlled Main Stream Media, Movies, News Papers, trusted TV Celebrity Presstitutes and so called experts do our thinking for us. They come into our homes 24/7 and have the final word on all issues. Their message is gospel for those who can not see, but for those of us who can see and are now awake the ever growing dire situation facing humanity is painfully clear. Those who work behind the scenes to control the puppet leaders we now have are moving closer toward their New World Order in our current Empire of Lies! This is the same Empire that proudly takes credit for the World Trade Centers casualties which were even higher than Pearl Harbor! America, the World and humanity is being tested and lead toward the Satanic Lucerfierian values of the current Elites! Can we win against this evil force? You bet we can! Why? Because Truth is on our side and History has proven time and again that people always opt for the standard core values our Nation once stood for. The good News is that the spirit of brave Americans who still believe in those values will fight to the death if need be and win! Why? Because unlike paid mercenaries they are willing to die for their beliefs. No doubt there is always room for improvement and I believe we will find our way because our cause is true and righteous! The Greatness of a City is not in the Height of its Buildings, but in the Character of its People! We need to remember and honor the struggle and sacrifices made by our founding fathers who in many cases gave their all to bring our Nation into being, it is now our job to win it back! https://youtube/watch?v=3In5LZwG9Io
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 09:06:43 +0000

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