After watching Malcolm X movie, one question rise what would have - TopicsExpress


After watching Malcolm X movie, one question rise what would have happen or the world look like today if Steve BiKo, Martin Luther King jr, Malcolm X and likes had they not been murder in cold blood? This people had a massage to free our minds as black nation, they fight for total independence of black people, they never shy alway to rise relevant question they mobilize black people to rise up and be counted, you never read any sign of collaboration or sell out in their nature, may be that why they were killed. Now when I look at Commander in Chief Julius Malema I see that in him, you either love or hate him, he is not in the middle but to the left, CIC fight for black poor when is not fashionable, he risk losing position, tenders and rich friends, he risk to be come enemy number one to his own party he risk to be expelled but stand for the voiceless poor black majority he risk to be ridicule by media and insults by racist white monopoly. I bet with you today until you mind is liberated from the fear of white monopoly you will never understand CIC, he is a young man that is ahead of his time, he is the great leader that will be celebrated beyond his time. Rev Jesse Jackson said some dont have eye sight but have insight, some dont have education but have revelation you need insight and revelation to understand CIC, the day you will have them you will see a whole new world and it will be the beginning of a new journey. Without any regret Asijiki phambili nge EFF phambili
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 17:47:29 +0000

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