After watching No Impact Man earlier in the week this clip really - TopicsExpress


After watching No Impact Man earlier in the week this clip really resonates. Youd be living in a bubble not to have realized mans increasingly devastating impact on the world, however often people dont consider how destructive their regular daily lifestyle is and how small changes can help to to modify our society from a waste intensive culture to a waste neutral one. From the mass deforestation, chemical run off, wastage, soil destruction and pollution a daily coffee causes to the huge carbon foot print made when buying imported food over locally grown and organic food. Help by choosing not to buy things individually wrapped in plastic when instead you can buy in bulk, buy reusable diapers for your kids, bring a reusable coffee cup, buy local produce, support second hand stores, minimise your meat and dairy consumption (meat and dairy are the most carbon intensive and waste inefficient ways to get food energy, accounting for up to 50% of of global emissions). Turn off lights, take the stairs not the elevator, walk/bike to the store. It is really hard to get perspective when we live in the heart of a fast paced, waste generating society but everyone can help to maintain the vitality of the planet by educating ourselves on what can be done to minimise this harsh impact on our planet.
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 10:16:08 +0000

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