After watching all these films connections about Mars and Orion - TopicsExpress


After watching all these films connections about Mars and Orion and black people, my natural question was WHY???? I think I got it now. Once upon a time Mars orbited where the earth is NOW and the earth was closer to the sun. A huge body came into our system. What we know now as Jupiter created havoc and crashed into a planet which became what we call asteroid belt. Someone called Desborough said that the Earth’s closer proximity to the Sun demanded that the first Earth humans were the black races with the pigmentation to cope with the much fiercer rays of the Sun. Ancient skeletons found near Stonehenge in England and along the west coast of France display the nasal and spinal characteristics of many female Africans. Desborough added that Mars, then with a climate very much like ours, had a white race before the Venus cataclysm. His research had convinced him that the white Martians built the pyramids which have been recorded on Mars and they went to war with an advanced black race to conquer the Earth. These wars, he said, are the wars of the ‘gods’ described in endless ancient texts, not least the Hindu Vedas. Desborough added that after the cataclysm, the white Martians who had settled on Earth were stranded here without their technology and with their home planet devastated. These white Martians, he said, became the white peoples of the Earth. Fascinatingly, some scientists claim that when white people are immersed in sensory DEPRIVATION TANKS for long periods, their circadian rhythm has a frequency of 24 hours 40 minutes, which corresponds not to the rotational period of the Earth, but of Mars! This is not the case with non-white races who are in tune with the Earth’s rotation. Desborough mentioned that these white Martians were the highly advanced race of the ancient world known as the Phoenicians or Aryans and they began the long process of returning to their former technological power after the upheavals which destroyed the surface of their own planet and devastated this one. My own research supports this basic theme, although, like everyone seeking the truth of what happened, I have many questions. A white race, known as the Phoenicians and other names, was certainly the ‘brains’ behind the Egyptian civilization, at least from the period around 3,000 BC, and the Giza Plateau, where the Great Pyramid was built, was formerly known as El-Kahira, a name which derived from the Arabic noun, El-Kahir, their name for... Mars. Actually studies have been made working with 12 volunteers for 2 months because on Mars with 25-hours day, astronauts could have altered their natural rhythms reset. It was discovered (Biological Rhythm Research Laboratory, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois) that AFRICAN AMERICAN have significant shorter free-runing endogenous circadian rhythms (tau) on average (by 12.6 minutes) than Caucasian and other races.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 11:49:31 +0000

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