After work went to Pasar malam alone... was think that just walk - TopicsExpress


After work went to Pasar malam alone... was think that just walk walk awhile and buy my thing den back... when I was walking alone, I dont know when I start to feel that theres someone following me... I turn back for few times and I just saw 3 or 4 faces that keep stare at me and look away... I not sure they are Nepal or bangla or Vietnam ppl, but I sure they are not Malaysian...I walk quickly until I bang into a Chinese guy... he ask me am I ok and I dont know why I answer him I not ok LOL he ask why I look so scared? I said theres someone following me... I pointed that person and that Chinese guy call his friends together stare at him until they leave -.- thanks god Im safe and thanks him walk with me back to my car To all the ladies, pls be careful when u are alone... cox u will never know what they gonna do to you.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 14:23:33 +0000

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