Afternoon Reminder. Sunday. The Forgiveness of Allah in Ramadan. - TopicsExpress


Afternoon Reminder. Sunday. The Forgiveness of Allah in Ramadan. Please read the morning reminder before this one to understand well. Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem. The second one third of Ramadan (11th-20th) is FORGIVENESS. 1. We must now beg for Allahs forgiveness because we have broken so many of His rules and covenants and disobeyed His commands during the year, both knowingly and unknowingly. We must say istighfaar day and night and ask in every sajda for forgiveness. We must be afraid that if Allah does not forgive, we will surely be among the losers. Here again, Allah will be assessing the degree of sincerity in our repentance. He looks not for lip service but for soul service! 2. We must also be forgiving to other peoples mistakes and tempers. We can recite these dua for seeking forgiveness: Allahum-magh-fir dhunoobii Yaa Rabbal Aalameen. O Allah forgive my sins, you are the Lord of the worlds. Rabbanaa Fagh-fir-lana dhunoobana wa kaf-fir-anna sayyi-aatina wa ta-waf-fana ma-al abraar. Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and remit from us our evil deeds, and make us die in the state of righteousness along with Al-Abrâr (those who are obedient to Allâh and follow strictly His Orders). The hadith on todays reminder can be found in Sahih Ibn Khuzaimah, Imam Baihaqi’s Shuabul Imaan and Imam Mundhiri’s Targheebul Tarheeb. Even though some says it is a weak hadith, however, weak narrations are not acceptable ONLY in regards to aqeedah and in establishing Shariah rulings, but are acceptable when it comes to virtues or encouraging good deeds and also since its not classified as fabricated but scholars of hadith, we should avoid discouraging its use in some matters. Scholars such as Imam Ibn Salah and Imam Nawawi have always stated that there is a leeway in quoting weak hadiths in virtues of acts. Even Imam Bukhari brought weak narrations in his book “Al Adabul Mufrad”, indicating that he also accepts weak narrations in regards to virtues of good deeds. Allah knows best. To be concluded in shaa Allah. Dont miss the evening reminder please and you can ask any questions please. We ask Allah to keep guiding us all. Aamin.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 21:34:14 +0000

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