Afternoon Reminder. Wednesday. Lets Continue With Our Tips On How - TopicsExpress


Afternoon Reminder. Wednesday. Lets Continue With Our Tips On How To Concentrate On Our Salaat (Prayer). Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem. 6. Focus your mind on what you are reading in your Prayer and recite simple suurats that you understand its meaning and ponder on the meaning whiles you recite. 7. If, in spite of your best efforts, your mind is still wandering, seek refuge in Allah and bring your mind back to Prayer by Auuzubillahi minash sheitaahir Raheem then dry spit 3 times to your left then continue with your Salaat. 8. Pray to Allah and beg Him to grant you true the joy of concentrating in your Prayer and protection against the wanderings of your mind. 9. Place your eyesight to the one spot where you will be making your sujuud while you recite and avoid taking your eyes from that sport. 10. Place your right palm on the left palm and put them just around your chest as it helps us to be attentive and thats the sunnah way. May Allah protect us from the tricks of shaitan during prayers and forgive us our mistakes. Aamin Ya Allah.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 15:10:50 +0000

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