Afternoon gang. Im slowly coming round ha ha ha ha ha. If its OK - TopicsExpress


Afternoon gang. Im slowly coming round ha ha ha ha ha. If its OK with you, Id like to share some thoughts. No idea why Im doing this but, I just feel I want to voice some stuff....... The music business is like no other I have ever experienced. It can raise you up and make you feel a million dollars but it can knock you down making you feel quite low on occasions. It divides people, it unites people, everyone has an opinion and most people, mainly those who just listen to music as a background thing, thinks its an easy option and not a real job. If we are doing our job properly, we should be making it look easy so, theres another take on it. There is no other job where you interact with your customers on such an intense, personal level as much as music. Ive never gone to any shop and hung out with the person who has sold me their product and then discussed the varying merits or short comings of that product. Bands are probably the hardest thing in the world to get right as well. Keeping a band together is bloody tough and takes a huge amount of effort and management skills because they are so personal to whoever is in that band at that time. Theres not a lot of money in it and thats huge factor in this game. Keeping fans happy is bloody tough too. Folk can like what a band does one day and then completely do a 180 degree turn and dislike what they do the next. Mood has a lot to play in how you perceive a band and its music. Line-ups can be an emotive discussion point for people and when bands do change their lineup (its always almost inevitable), people take those changes personally. Ive done it. No one, except those involved ever know the real truth behind changes but it doesnt stop people speculating and taking sides. Thats just life I suppose. So, what have I learned as my time as a professional musician. Easy really - take nothing for granted, work harder than you have ever done in your life and that includes your playing / practise routine as well as your music writing and marketing skills, be strong (the weak get killed off easily), do what you believe in, be tenacious, be driven, dont take things personally (which is harder than you think) and be true your music and fans. Most importantly, love what you do. If you dont love it, how will anyone ever connect with it. The rest is sheer, blind luck and in the lap of the gods. If you get good reviews - happy days. If you get bad reviews - happy days, at least youre being reviewed whether you like what is being said or not. Finally, always remember who your real friends are. Without them, this business is impossible. My band, The Reasoning, has been through many changes . Weve had a remarkable journey. Ive lost friendships but also maintained friendships with past members. Those friendships that I lost were obviously not meant to be but I am grateful for the time spent with them no matter how things turned out in the end. Its been tough, sometimes, even close to collapse yet somehow, through it all, I have found the strength to keep it going. That strength to continue and strive to be better has come from many sources close to me and, not so close to me and I am ever so grateful, thankful and lucky. Over the past 13 months, that strength was called upon again but I found it was much easier to summon this time around. I also finally found out who I can trust and who my real friends are. Its taken a while but at least I know now. You know who you are and a hearty cheers to you, cos you are the bestest. My fellow band chums are also a major part of all this renewed vigour, enthusiasm and drive because their hard work, passion and love for this band has been a real inspiration and pick me up. A band that laughs together, sticks together and boy do we laugh. We also play so well together and every time we get on stage or in a room, the atmosphere is stunning. Its a rare thing in this business finding musicians that gel so well, play as one and act as a band. Lastly but definitely not least of all, you wonderful lot out there. I know weve lost some of you along the way due to these changes, we accept that but, on the whole, you have stuck by us, supported us, shown us love and given us the determination and belief to carry on. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you SO much. We cant wait to catch up with you all again soon. So, there you have it, a little insight into me (if youre interested) and a little insight into this business (again, if you are interested). Either way, it was something I felt I wanted to share and as I dont have a blog and Twitter restricts this kind of thing (probably wise), this forum was therefore the only other place to do it. Thanks for reading, thanks for supporting The Reasoning, thanks for the incredible support for Trinity Live and thanks for supporting music, as whole, too. Lifes too short for unnecessary aggravations and music is definitely not worth falling out over either. I have learned that much without a doubt and again, especially over the past 13 months. Trinity and The Reasoning have taught me some valuable life lessons which I will never forget. Its never too late you see ;) Right then, Im off to pick up one of my dear friends from the station in Cardiff and go and enjoy a few beers with lots of laughs. Have a good evening gang. Love to you all :o) xxx
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 15:41:31 +0000

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