Afumba Mombotwa is Right as Mandated by Barotse National Council - TopicsExpress


Afumba Mombotwa is Right as Mandated by Barotse National Council 2012 Resolutions – Newly Formed Barotseland Liberation Movement, as Chazele Mulasikwanda also forms Congress for the Total Independence of Barotseland. File Picture: Part of the Crowd at March 2012 BNC gathering - Lusakatimes A newly formed liberation movement in Barotseland has thrown their support behind the Afumba Mombotwa led Barotseland transitional government as this is what the March 2012 Barotseland National Council resolutions number 2,5,7,8,9,10,11 and 12 mandated. According to the said resolutions any process and transitional steps post BNC 2012 would be and should be spearheaded by “The Barotse Government”. The newly formed movement, a breakaway group from the BNFA, and calling themselves as Barotseland National Congress in announcing their official support in a press statement said: “We at Barotseland National Congress (BNC) fell in love with Hon. Shuwanga, a founding member of both BFM and BNFA, when he said publicly that those who cannot imagine themselves working with the already existing Royal Barotseland government should consider themselves as traitors of self and nation when he, Shuwanga, further analyzed that Barotseland needed a ‘government’ and not an alliance post-BNC 2012. “Therefore, we at Barotseland National Congress (BNC) are 100% in support and behind the leadership of his Hon. Afumba Mombotwa, as the only leader for the new Royal Barotseland Government (in transition) and not BNFA” Meanwhile another BNFA founder member and former secretary general of the Barotse Freedom Movement (BFM), Chazele Mulasikwanda has quit and formed another freedom movement called ‘Congress for the Total Independence of Barotseland.’ Announcing the formation of the new group Hon. Chazele in his capacity as Chairman of the group told the Daily Nation, a Zambian news paper on Monday 6th October 2014, that his organization was intended to spearhead the secession of Barotseland from Zambia. He said a lot of organizations were formed in Barotseland in a bid to campaign for freedom but his group would ensure the process was ‘speeded up’, considering that the Barotse(land) Agreement of 1964 issues were long overdue. Mr. Mulasikwanda said the new organization was strategizing to engage all relevant stakeholders, including the Barotse Royal Establishment, which was the main signatory of the BA of 1964. The BNFA (Barotse National Freedom Alliance) was formed by some liberation movements, and individuals, that did not believe in the ‘legality’ of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) made at the March 2012 Barotse National Council. The grouping composed officially of BFM, MOREBA, BI and Baro(tse) National Youth League under the leadership of Hon. Clement W Sinyinda, refused to participate and be named in the Afumba led government saying they would instead ‘seek’ to liberate Barotseland using more ‘legal’ and ‘civil’ means that they have not yet disclosed over a year after their formation. Their refusal to participate in the transitional government left only the main and biggest liberation movement, The Linyundandambo, to sponsor the Barotseland transitional government, with few willing members of the BFM who opted to participate in their personal capacity as well as The Barotseland National Youth League, BNYL (not to be confused with the BNFA aligned Baro(tse) National Youth League - also BNYL.) However, over the past year Mombotwa has earned himself admirers and supporters as he went ahead and constituted a 14 Member EXECUTIVE (Cabinet) with 8 deputies on the 15th of August 2013. Besides the Executive wing, Mombotwa’s transitional government have also constituted the LEGISLATURE through the 82 eminent personalities nominated from the various constituencies of Barotseland, in consultation with people at the grass root as well as the royal courts at various levels, to serve as members of the constituent assembly during the transition (-c.f memo of 19th February 2014), and in line with the over 23,000 endorsed Barotseland founding document (the emancipation order,) according to the legal norm of post-liminium The JUDICIARY is currently in formation as the Barotseland government continues to mobilize for both financial resources to run all aspects of government as well as mobilizing international recognition. So far three international institutions, UNFS, FFSA and UNPO have recognized the Afumba led Barotseland government in transition, as other official endorsements are yet to come from the region and beyond. - See more at: barotsepost/index.php/en/frontnews/local-news/913-afumba-mombotwa-is-right-as-mandated-by-barotse-national-council-2012-resolutions-newly-formed-barotseland-liberation-movement-as-chazele-mulasikwanda-also-forms-congress-for-the-total-independence-of-barotseland#sthash.76WSoLLF.dpuf
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 22:03:05 +0000

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