Again and again our human nature wants to teach people a lesson, - TopicsExpress


Again and again our human nature wants to teach people a lesson, or make things worse for them than they made it for us. We see revenge as a way of getting back, of making ourselves whole again. But it never works. The solution Jesus offers is radical. There is no question of revenge or even bare restitution. He suggests simply that we become the shock absorbers of the world. To receive a blow and refuse to pass it on is an act that requires extraordinary generosity. For most people, it does not come naturally. We are too hard and resistant to be able to absorb the effect of an injury before we pass it on to a neighbor. We must become softer, gentler, more loving people, receiving a blow but unable by the fabric of our lives to transmit the force of it. Love and forgiveness are the special vocation of the Christian, and when we exercise them we are able to find healing for our own wounds, and offer balm for the healing of others. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Love my Family no matter how knuckle headed they become.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 23:33:01 +0000

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