Again and again there comes a time in history when the man who - TopicsExpress


Again and again there comes a time in history when the man who dares to say that two and two make four is punished with death. —Albert Camus NATIONAL CALAMITY: Part One Half way through 2014, its incredible to behold what has happened to Nigeria. 276 children were abducted and no one was able to do anything about it. Series of bomb explosions are recorded everyday to the extent that our soldiers could no longer defending our territorial integrity. Today, we endure daily news of the outrageously lawless Jonathan presidency—manufactured crises, economic chaos, and betrayal of her allies, cascading scandals, high crimes and rising calls for impeachment. But in truth, the entire Jonathan presidency is one huge scandal, leading our great nation into utter financial, political, cultural and spiritual catastrophe. How did we fall so rapidly? There are many factors, of course, but one of the most egregious, consequential and disgraceful has been our news media, whom we trust to simply tell us what is really going on, without fear or favour. But the press has totally betrayed our trust. He then states that no institution has been more complicit in making evil appear good and good appear evil than the news media. Even so, the media is not solely to blame. The average man on the street, who would vociferously defend the telling of the truth as important, thinks nothing of telling little white lies—and some not so little. Lying is an individual problem, too, not just rampant in organizations and government. Israelites are described at the end time as people whose lips have spoken lies, [and whose] tongue has muttered perversity (Isaiah 59:3). In the next verse, Isaiah continues, No one calls for justice, nor does any plead for truth. They trust in empty words and speak lies. He concludes in verse 15, So truth fails. We could also mention high-pressure salesman, marketing companies, and more, not to mention politicians who promise the moon to get what they want. None of these ever deliver. The sad thing is that we just take such deceit for granted as a way of life. This is just the way things are, and so we live with it. Lying has become so normal that we just expect it, and everyone else expects us to go along with it. Worse, because it is ubiquitous and seemingly no big thing to the world, we can slip into the mode of living with it and even unconsciously participating in it. As Gods people, we must constantly guard ourselves so that we never take the truth so lightly. To be continued
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 08:51:10 +0000

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