Again, the devil took him up on an exceeding high mountain and - TopicsExpress


Again, the devil took him up on an exceeding high mountain and showed him all the kingdom of the world and their glory, and he said to Him, all these things I will give You if you if you will fall down and and worship me Then Jesus said unto him Away with you Satan for it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God and only you shall serve , Then the devil left him and behold angels came and ministered to Him.MTT 4: 8-11. TEMPTATION Brethren, Jesus was tempted and the enemy showed him the glory of the world, everyone goes thru this season in life, when all seems to be bad, church is not growing, business is not moving, you have no respect from people just because they consider you worthless at that time, thats the time the time the enemy shows up to show you wealth and riches, fame and earthly honour but not for free but all he want is for you to bow down and worship him and he knows that if you do , he will take the most precious thing to you, a lot of famous people today have bowed down to the devil, some Pastors have bowed down and many many families and business have bowed to the devil, many are enjoying the wealth from Satan but it wont be for long, You that is reading this, no matter the state you are into, its better to meet Jesus at last , Dont yield to Satans ploy to destroy your soul, as a pastor, Dont worry about mega church and too many members, be faithfully feeding the few sheep you have, endure and Dont ever think that God hate you or maybe he didnt call u again, Dont let the enemy frustrate you , has your ministry closed due to attacks of the enemy, go forth and bring forth again, Dont yield to worry and defeat because you are not defeated, are things going so wrong in your family and finance, you can get thru these, Dont bow to devil for shortcut, go thru it and come out with honor from God, Remember when Jesus overcame, the devil departed and Gods Angels came and ministered to him, overcome and God will send his Angels to Minister to you. All is well Amen
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 08:22:54 +0000

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