Against Stop Common Core in Tennessee Newsletter (Cut & Past) - TopicsExpress


Against Stop Common Core in Tennessee Newsletter (Cut & Past) Sign up for your own copy... If you have not yet answered the survey this is the final week to show your interest in a 1 day Common Core planning/strategy session. The meeting will be held on a Saturday. If there is enough interest I will need to start putting my plans together and locating a venue for us to meet. I believe without a focus and a strategy we will be less than effective when the new legislative session begins in January. PLEASE go to PLAN B tab. You will see 2 surveys. Each has just 1 question. BACK TO SCHOOL REMINDERS - Give a letter to your school principle and your childrens teachers - REFUSE ALL SURVEYS. If you were considering registering your child for AP US History please do not until they address the fact that David Coleman has rewritten history. If parents do not register for AP US History the College Board will have no choice but to listen to our concerns about the rewrite of American History that has taken place with the new 98 page (up from 5 pages) curriculum being dictated by the College Board. They make their money by the number of students that sign up. Do not sign up they make no money THEN and only THEN will they listen. COMMON CORE IN TN COVER UP Costing taxpayers thousands ARTICLE SOCIAL JUSTICE FOR MATH PLEASE tell me what Social Justice and Mathematics have in common. As Arne Duncan said...this is not a battle for education it is a battle for Social Justice. Your child cannot be smarter than any other child. ADD FOR BOOK NOT CONVINCED CHARTERS ARE BAD?? If you are still not convinced that Charter Schools are bad for education I hope you will take the time to read some of the information in the latest TN Eagle Forum Newsletter. Believe me things like this will get worse as time goes. This is a money making industry and will mean the total destruction of our public school system. In the end this will surely not be the choice parents wanted. NEWSLETTER CC NEEDS UNICORNS AND RAINBOWS This is how they sold Obamacare. ARTICLE SAVE THE DATE Dr. Peg Luksik will present Common Core on September 25th in Greeneville, TN. I encourage as many as possible to attend this event. Dr. Luksik is the best presenter on Common Core I have heard to date and you will not be sorry if you have to travel to get to this event. Invite legislators, school board members, neighbors, relatives, friends to attend. PLEASE register and get your FREE ticket. EVENTBRITE FREE WEBINAR ON OPTING OUT OF HIGH STAKES TESTING - AUG. 24TH REGISTER HERE TIME OUT - 7-25-14 INTERVIEW WITH CHARLOTTE ISERBYT This is a critically important interview for you to listen to. 28 minutes of the truth. INTERVIEW TN UNDERACHIEVEMENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 2014 As part of Race To The Top the expansion of Charters was a requirement. Thus comes the Achievement School District. Although they would like to make you believe the ASD is an attempt to improve poor performing schools the REAL agenda is to do away with the traditional public school and replace them with Charters. Thus eventually eliminating elected school boards which will result in loss of local/parental control. Do you know who Chris Barbic is??? I did a big write up about him in a previous issue of our TNACC Newsletter. He is a 2011 graduate from the Broad Superintendant Academny. Eli Broad is one of the 3 largest funders of Common Core and he is heavily invested in Charter organizations. Broad believes schools should be run like a business and his goal is to train education leaders (like Barbic and Knox County Jim McIntyre) to privatize public education. Sen. Thelma Harper tried to warn the Senate of this when she refused to vote for Race To The Top. ARTICLE COMMON CORE MAY PERSIST IN EVEN OPPOSITION STATES As I have warned in the past be optimistically cautious about states that have promised to get rid of Common Core. DC will not let Governors off easy. Funding is the stick they use. Putting new lipstick on the pig doesnt change the fact that it is still a pig. ARTICLE CURSIVE WRITING IN TENNESSEE As you are aware Rep. Sheila Butt and Sen. Frank Niceley passed legislation to restore cursive writing in TN schools. On July 25 the cursive writing standards were approved. If approved on the final reading the new standard will become affective on October 31, 2014. We fought hard to get this bill passed and it is a great victory for TN children. I have attached the standards. I also contacted Rep. Butt to ask if we need to amend the standards to include the requirement to READ cursive not just write in cursive. I am awaiting a response. STANDARDS BE A PART OF HISTORY - DR. CROWELL THE ANTI-COMMON CORE CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR OF TENNESSEE PLEASE join Dr. Shaun Crowell in Nashville on August 16 and be a part of history as Dr. Crowell announces his run for TN Governor. Dr. Crowell will run on the Constitution Party in November against Governor Bill Haslam. With our support Dr. Crowell CAN win. People are tired of the R and D establishment. Dr. Crowell has committed to not only stopping Common Core but rolling back all of Race To The Top which includes the assault on our teachers and our traditional public schools and the most egregious of all massive data collection and sharing of our childrens information to anyone that wants it. BUT Dr. Crowell is much more than his stand on education. By being a member of the Constitution Party he takes a vow to always support the Constitution. If he fails to vote with the Constitution the party will withdraw their support and that candidate can NEVER again run on the Constitution Party ticket. Please see the FaceBook page for the event and let us know if you will attend. If you cannot attend please let us know and leave a comment for Dr. Crowell. https://facebook/events/1486783931566276/ Mike Warner is also running on the Constitution Party ticket in November. He is running for the seat currently held by Rep. Joe Pitts. Rep. Pitts is uninformed about Common Core and did very little to educate himself on the facts yet that did not stop him from voting against our CC repeal bill. Pitts MUST be replaced in November. If you live in his district (67) please get out the word about Mike Warner and help him in anyway you can to get him elected and Rep. Pitts out of office. Mike Warner has been actively fighting Common Core for a long time. We need to get candidates elected that have done something to stop common core not candidates that talk about doing something. Talk is cheap. If a current legislator has not DONE something to stop Common Core then get rid of them. But dont be fooled we have several that have made an attempt to stop CC to our face but behind closed doors actively worked to kill our repeal bill (Rep. Casada and Sen. Gresham are two such legislators) ElectMikeWarner
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 23:08:57 +0000

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