Against my better judgement we saw A Million Ways To Die In The - TopicsExpress


Against my better judgement we saw A Million Ways To Die In The West last night. What a total and complete waste of time and money. Seth MacFarlane is becoming completely talent-less. How does that happen? How does one loss talent that they once had? Office Space was brilliant. Extract was even clever and enjoyable. Unfortunately that is where it ended. Ted, despite its failed attempt to attract fans based on the nostalgia elements such as the Sam Jones/Flash Gordon moments, was terrible. His animated shows are awful. Sure, Family Guy, American Dad and even, to a lesser extent, The Cleveland Show, were funny in a low-brow, toilet humor sort of way during each shows first season or two but beyond that they became repetitive and unwatchable. A Million Ways To Die In The West was awkward and uncomfortable to watch. I literally felt embarrassment as I sat there watching it among other people. Not embarrassment for myself but for those involved in the film. Giovanni Ribis\si, Sarah Silverman and Liam Neeson are all great at what they do but this film brought all three down to a level far lower than they surely would ever chose to go. When you consider Liam Neesons body of work it almost seems like this is enough to tarnish an otherwise stellar career. I kid you not. It is THAT awful. The dirty jokes are non-stop and although I did laugh at some of them, they accompany each and every scene and quickly lose any bit of sharpness that they would have otherwise had. Imagine a live-action Family Guy, uncensored, that goes on for nearly two hours. Other spoof films of the past worked because the filmmakers knew when to pour it on and when to tone it down. Trashy humor only works in small doses, scattered throughout the film. When your script has zero substance so you have to pack nothing but dick and fart jokes in every moment of the film, its not only going to fail without a doubt, its also going to show the world that as a writer and filmmaker you have no talent whatsoever. So exactly what DID happen to Seth MacFarlane? Maybe Office Space was a fluke and the guy really never had any ability to begin with? If you are or were planning on seeing this film take my advice and skip it. Not just now, but skip it even once its free on cable.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 15:07:47 +0000

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