Against the run of the mill, static as it seems, we break the - TopicsExpress


Against the run of the mill, static as it seems, we break the surface tension with our wild kinetic dreams. Curves and lines...of grand designs. Good morning and a Happy Tuesday to you! Im trying to stay awake for the day and resist the beckoning comfort of my pillows and blankets and dogs. LOL! I didnt get a lot of sleep but I did get some. 39 degrees out there with cloudy skies. Not too bad for a January morning. Today is the day that Fly By Night arrives at my door. I see some of you have already gotten it. Its exciting for me not because I know diddly about how many grams or whatever it weighs but the fact that I have only had GUP on vinyl ever and know I get the chance to have a collection of my own! Yay! I hope your morning has started off well. Super Bowl this weekend right? Go Seahawks! I am not abandoning my beloved Steelers (next year right guys?), Seattle is like my next choice. Speaking of Seattle, I see the difference that two and a half years and different seasons make on the price of a hotel. Looking around for a nice place within walking distance of Key Arena. I could stay at the same place we did back in 12. It was a nice place, free breakfast and wifi. Me and the kiddo on our own in the city. LOL! I need her eyes to help navigate and I just love having her with me. Shes already excited and planning spots to revisit. She expecially wants to see the fortune teller machine in Pike Place Market again and Starbucks. Seattle in July, whats the weather like? Then itll be on to Vegas for me! Excitement and nerve-wracking all rolled up into one! I cant wait to let loose those wild kinetic dreams and be with some of the best people on earth. Donna Kay Carey, Sheri Geddygirl Beri, Scott Lunde, Linda Green-Lunde, Nancy Blake, Lynne Gore, Andrea Heckman and any others I may have missed...cant wait to see you guys! Keep on dreaming...never give up on implausible dreams....they can come true. Love, light and loads of Rush to everyone! Have a great day and as always, RUSH ON!!!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 16:10:53 +0000

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