Agenda for Tuesday MCC Week 2 Introduction 5 minutes The - TopicsExpress



Agenda for Tuesday MCC Week 2 Introduction 5 minutes The moderator will go through the agenda with students and teachers, to make sure that everyone is on the same page. The moderator will then answer any questions that students or teachers have. Round 1 15 minutes Teachers and students will read through the vocabulary for the week. If there are any words or phrases that students are unfamiliar with, then they should work with teachers to understand the words. With whatever time is left after that, students should try to make as many sentences as possible using the vocabulary. Round 2 20 minutes Students and teachers will discuss the most illegal thing they have done (at least the most illegal thing they care to admit to). Were they caught, or did they get away with it? If students and teachers have never done anything against the law (at least, they don’t want to admit to anything) then what illegal act would they do if the world suddenly held a “Get away with Anything Day”? Round 3 20 minutes Students will record their answer to one of the following: -What one law would you like to change, if you could? Why do you feel that the law should be changed? -What is the most important act or action to have strong laws about? Why is it important? -What should be the maximum punishment that a court can give to a criminal? Life without parole? The death sentence? This round will be a “record the student” round. If students have a cell phone that can record their voice, they should use it to record their answer to the above questions. If they do not have a cell phone that can record their voice, voice recorders will be available to use. Teachers should give their student a few minutes to prepare their answer, then record them answering. After that, teachers will review the recording with the student, and correct their English, starting and stopping the recording as necessary. Students can then re-record themselves answering the same question again, adding in the teacher’s corrections or teachers can decide on a new, related topic for students to answer. BREAK 10 minutes Round 4 20 minutes Students and teachers will read the article titled “Who Should be Charged?” If there is any vocabulary that students do not understand, they should discuss it with teachers. With whatever time is left over, students and teachers should discuss the article. Round 5 20 minutes As a final project tonight, students and teachers will act as a jury on the case in the article, answering the question of whether they think the homeowner should be charged with assault. As a class, students will discuss their opinion on the subject, giving examples from the article. Teachers are welcome to participate in the discussion; however, the focus should still be on students doing the majority of the speaking. Feedback 10 minutes Teachers will have a few minutes to finish filling out their evaluation forms for students, especially for the last student they worked one on one with (tonight, the student that they worked with in round 4). After that, teachers will give feedback to the students as a class. Teachers will be primarily responsible for providing feedback to the last student they worked with, but all teachers will be invited to give feedback to all of the students that they worked with over the course of the evening. Who Should be Charged? Officer Charles was called to the home of Jack and Diane Anderson on the evening of October 11th. When he arrived at the house, Jack Anderson was waiting by the door for him, holding a rolling pin and looking very shaken up. “Good evening sir, could you tell me what happened here,” Officer Charles asked. “Officer, we’ve had a break-in,” Jack replied, “but I caught the robber. He’s tied up inside.” “Ok, hold on; tell me what happened right from the start.” “Ok. My wife and I were upstairs getting ready for be, when I heard what sounded like glass breaking on the main floor. Obviously, we were scared. I snuck down to check on things, and as I passed through the kitchen, I heard someone moving around in the living room. I grabbed a rolling pin and quietly moved into the living room. I found the robber digging through the drawers in my desk. He had a baseball bat in his hand, so I took advantage of the fact that he was occupied to sneak up on him and capture him. After that I tied his hands and called you.” Officer Charles entered the house to find a man sitting on the floor with his hands tied behind his back, and tied to a stair post. The thief looked very angry and as soon as he saw the police officer, he almost immediately started yelling “Officer! I want to press charges! This maniac assaulted me.” “Alright,” Officer Charles said with curiosity, “Let’s hear what you have to say.” “Alright, yes I broke in. The house looked empty, and I found the baseball bat in the backyard. I used it to smash the window in a back door, and got in. I was going through one of the desks when suddenly I heard a blood curdling yell from behind me, and turned just in time to see this guy running at me with a rolling pin. Before I could react, he hit me in the head. I tried to give up but he hit me three more times. He totally overreacted; I would have given up if he just announced himself. I want to charge him with assault.” With this information, as part of the jury in this case, would you find the home owner guilty of assault, or would you consider his actions to be self defence? Agenda for Thursday MCC Week 2 Introduction 5 Minutes The moderator will go through the agenda with students and teachers to make sure that everyone is on the same page. The moderator will then answer any questions that students or teachers might have. Round 1 20 minutes Students and teachers will read the article titled “Train Drivers in Skirts after Shorts Ban”. If there is any vocabulary that students do not understand, they should discuss it with teachers. With whatever time is left over, students and teachers should discuss the article. Round 2 20 minutes Students and teachers will discuss rules that people might try to bend or find ways to get around. Should people try to bend rules if they fell that the rule is unfair? If not, then what is the best way to make it clear that a group is not happy with the rules? Conversely, if students feel that people should take advantage of loopholes, how far should they go in bending the rules? BREAK 10 minutes Round 3 30 minutes As a final project tonight, students will participate in a team vs. team debate. The topic of the debate will be “Were the train drivers in the article right to try to use the loophole in the rules and wear skirts?” Before round 3, the moderator will split the class into teams. This round, students will work with teachers one-on-one for about 20 minutes to prepare their arguments and then for about 10 minutes with the other students on their side of the argument to exchange ideas and prepare. Round 4 20 minutes This round, students will debate the topic. While teachers will not be participating in the debate, they are welcome to coach their student, and should continue to take notes on the students they worked with during the evening. Feedback 10 minutes Teachers will have a short time to finish their evaluation forms, if needed. Teachers will give verbal feedback to the last student they worked with (from round 3) as a class. While teachers are primarily responsible for providing feedback to the last student they worked with, they are welcome to comment about any students they worked with as well, if they choose and time allows. THE ARTICLE Train Drivers in Skirts after Shorts Ban Male train drivers in Sweden have come up with a novel way of staying cool in the summer heat after their company banned the wearing of shorts. The men are instead wearing skirts to work as they do not appear on the list of banned clothing that forms the uniform code for rail staff. The drivers employers, the transportation company Arriva, instilled the ban on shorts after it took over operations in January. Drivers had previously worn them for years when conditions got hot in the summer. The mercury in the drivers cabin can reach 35 degrees, which is ten degrees above what the World Health Organisation deems to be a comfortable working environment. Arrivas communications manager Tomas Hedenius told a local newspaper that the company did not mind men wearing skirts. He said: Our thinking is that one should look decent and proper when representing Arriva and the present uniforms do that. If the man wants to wear a skirt, then that is OK. He added: To tell them to do something else would be discrimination. Driver Martin Akersten said his passengers didnt seem to have any problems with his uniform. He said: “Of course people stare at you a little when you are on the platform, but you just have to put up with it….So far no-one has said anything. He added: I dont mind as its more about comfort. Arriva is set to discuss its dress code again later this year.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 06:23:15 +0000

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