Agenda for the Common Council meeting to be held on Tuesday August - TopicsExpress


Agenda for the Common Council meeting to be held on Tuesday August 20th at 7:00 PM: ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON: * Call to order/Roll Call. * Certification of the open meeting law agenda requirements and approval of the agenda * Pledge of Allegiance I. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND PRESENTATIONS A. PRESENTATION AND ACTION – Bicentennial Year of the Battle of Prairie du Chien (2014) The Villa Louis and Prairie du Chien Historical Society-Fort Crawford Museum are planning several events to mark the bicentennial of the Battle of Prairie du Chien. They have asked for the opportunity to discuss their plans, as well as discuss how the City may be able to participate. II. CONSENT AGENDA (The following items may be approved on a single motion and vote due to their routine nature or previous discussion. Please indicate to the Mayor/Council President if you would prefer separate discussion and action.) A. COUNCIL MINUTES – August 6th 2013 B. FINANCE COMMITTEE – August 6th 2013 C. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE – June 4th 2013 D. PROTECTION AND HEALTH COMMITTEE – March 12th 2013 E. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE – August 6th 2013 F. PLAN COMMISSION – July 15th 2013 G. OPERATORS LICENSES (if any) H. PARADE REQUEST – Prairie du Chien High School Homecoming (September 11 – 6:30 to 7:00 PM) I. FIRE CHIEF’S REPORT – July 2013 III. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA IV. CITY ADMININSTRATOR’S REPORT V. CITIZENS’ COMMENTS, OBSERVATIONS, PETITIONS, AND PUBLIC INPUT (Please limit comments to no more than three minutes) VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND ACTIONS A. FINANCE – Claims B. FINANCE – Amendment #7 to the Contract between the City of Prairie du Chien and MSA Professional Services This amendment covers additional work necessary for the real estate acquisition related to the Marquette Road project. $10,400 of the $14,200 amendment will be reimbursable by the WDOT. It is anticipated that this will be the final amendment needed to complete the real estate acquisition. C. FINANCE - Review and action on TIF assistance to Hess Auto for relocation of the gas main at new location The location for the new Hess Auto building necessitates relocating a large gas main at a cost of $8,040. The site falls within a half-mile of TID #5 and is an eligible TIF expense. This expense supports the Marquette Road project in assisting in the relocation of this business. D. PUBLIC WORKS – Water Main Issue with Town of Bridgeport The City and the Town of Bridgeport (“the Town”) had a discussion last week on the ownership of the water main serving the new Prairie du Chien Hospital. The Town is claiming the portion which will be in the land annexed to the City last year should remain in their possession. In a letter sent to City Attorney Peterson on August 9th, the Town has indicated it will drop its ownerships claims if the City does the following: 1) Agree to an annexation moratorium through 2033, and 2) extend the current water and sewer agreement, which expires in September 2017, to September 2027. Staff is recommending the City not agree to either stipulation due to the potential long-term negative impact on the City and its future growth. The City’s application to the Public Service Commission (PSC) is included in the packet. E. PUBLIC WORKS - Public Works Projects Staff is proposing two public works projects – 1) grinding the large asphalt heaves on Marquette Road, and 2) removing the concrete islands from the Starks Parking lot downtown. Funds would come from existing budget accounts, and the work would be done later this summer or early fall. F. PUBLIC WORKS - Wastewater Treatment Facility Compliance Testing Staff will present the recent results of the WWTP’s Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) testing, which shows we continue to be discharging high quality effluent from the facility into the Mississippi River watershed. G. PUBLIC WORKS – Annual Water Supply Inspection The inspection of August 8th shows that most of the deficiencies identified before have been resolved or are in the process of being resolved. Staff will be present to answer questions from the Committee. H. PUBLIC WORKS – ArmorMax Reinforcement for the Water Reservoir Road The June flooding caused a large washout along a road that leads to their water reservoirs. The City is looking at options to permanently stabilize this side slope so future problems do not occur. The City would like to do the project themselves, and are looking at options that will not be overly expensive and relatively easy to install given the site conditions. Staff would recommend approval of moving ahead with the ArmorMax Reinforcement option. G. PUBLIC WORKS – Marquette Road Rail Spur In light of the recent ruling from the Office of Commissioner of Railroads, staff would recommend the City approve its participation in the improvement of the spur, at an estimated cost of $11,000. The funds would come from TID #6. H. PERSONNEL - Ordinance 2013-21 (CREATING SECTION 12.35 (TATTOO AND BODY PIERCING ESTABLISHMENTS) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, CRAWFORD COUNTY, WISCONSIN) This Ordinance, drafted at the request of Alderman Ames, would regulate the establishment and operations of tattoo and body piercing establishments in the City. It would require a permit and would prohibit such businesses in all zoning districts except B-2 (Highway Commercial District) or I-1 (Industrial/Nonmanufacturing District). I. PLAN COMMISSION - Review and recommendation on Certified Survey Map located in Farm Lot 37 of the Private Land Claims at Prairie du Chien, City of Prairie du Chien, Crawford County, Wisconsin, also being Block 161, replat of Lower Prairie du Chien Addition to the City of Prairie du Chien, part of Block 79, Lower Prairie du Chien Addition to the City of Prairie du Chien, and the vacated 21st Street and alley recorded in Volume 333, Pages 27-29 – brought by Stephen Welter J. PLAN COMMISSION - Review and recommendation on Certified Survey Map located in Farm Lots 33 and 34 of the Private Land Claims at Prairie du Chien, City of Prairie du Chien, Crawford County, Wisconsin, also being part of Lots 5 and 10, Block 126, Union Plat of the City of Prairie du Chien, and part of Lot 1, Crawford County Certified Survey Map Number 1091, Document Number 292109, and the vacated Webster Street and alley – brought by Richard Sheckler Construction, LLC. K. PLAN COMMISSION - Review and recommendation on Certified Survey Map located in Farm Lot 43 of the Private Land Claims at Prairie du Chien including all of Lot 1 of Crawford County Certified Survey Map Number 327, Town of Bridgeport, which is in the extraterritorial limits of the City of Prairie du Chien, Crawford County, Wisconsin – brought by Nathan and Lindsay Cejka. L. PLAN COMMISSION - Review and recommendation on Certified Survey Map located in Lot 4 of Crawford County Certified Survey Map Number 493, located in the SW1/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 32, T7N, R6W, Town of Bridgeport, which is in the extraterritorial limits of the City of Prairie du Chien, Crawford County, Wisconsin – brought by Eric Frydenlund. M. PROTECTION AND HEALTH – Ordinance 2013-22 (AMENDING CHAPTER 9.01 (OFFENSES AGAINST STATE LAW SUBJECT TO FORFEITURE) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, CRAWFORD COUNTY, WISCONSIN) This Ordinance would add the following state statute to the list of municipal code violations – 346.25 (Crossing at place other than crosswalk). VII. OLD BUSINESS VIII. NEW BUSINESS (Including items for future agenda consideration or Committee assignment) A. DISCUSSION - Items for future agenda consideration or Committee assignment IX. ADJOURN All agendas and minutes can be found here:
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 19:09:48 +0000

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