Agents and how they work part 2 (continue) Backdoor - TopicsExpress


Agents and how they work part 2 (continue) Backdoor strategy So, most of the time if you havent heard from your agent its because no one (i.e. Casting Directors) will see you. Their efforts to submit you for a role fell flat. Thats because the CDs dont know you. And they dont have the time to pre-screen and then audition you. Casting Calls happen pretty fast. If there are only 3 slots available for an audition, guess who the agent will send? Their 3 top bookers-the thoroughbreds- those actors who are pro-active, book all the time and know most of the industry. You might be at the bottom of the list. Sitting back and waiting for your agent to do 90% of the work is a guarantee of failure. You have to do 90% of marketing YOU- selling you- getting the industry- EVERYBODY- to know you. (and love you which then equals to them requesting to work with you!) If you know 5 people in the industry youll probably get an audition once a year. If you know 50, youll get an audition once every 6 months. If you know 500, youll be working EVERY WEEK! So, once you have fabulous marketing tools- a head shot or Lifestyle photos to die for and film/video clips AND a showreel (demo) that is unique and excellent... you need to engage in the BACKDOOR STRATEGY. Instead of looking for an agent and marching in the FRONT DOOR, get to know the Casting Directors and directors FIRST. Plot and scheme - make a list of every major CD/director who casts every show you want to work on and knock the list off weekly. Meet them in industry related events, visit them at their production offices, attend a seminar or workshop, show great work and FOLLOW UP, FOLLOW UP, FOLLOW UP. This is how you build your network. If you dont follow up youve wasted time and money. If you do follow up- its a matter of time before you get called, do a great audition and BOOK! Its not about spending all your time to get an AGENT, its about spending your time to get WORK! Then, when you go to meet an agent and the first thing they say is, What are you doing now? You answer, Marketing myself, meeting the industry and working! Who do you know and who knows you? they ask. Hand them a list of 30, 50, 100 Casting Directors, Producers, Head writers to the top shows, directors and Network Executives, show-runners, Associate producers- all the people youve met in the industry, worked with, studied with, developed as friends- youll get a very positive response.This will be an easy sell! they think. Youve done the 90%. They will more than likely want to sign you, because the relationship will work, literally! By Gwyn Gillis.
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 16:00:00 +0000

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