Agile, impervious, and quick to adapt- that is my battle cry. When - TopicsExpress


Agile, impervious, and quick to adapt- that is my battle cry. When I was seventeen I got a shitty tattoo in a beaten down house in the center of a city where waterfalls dominate- it was a dragonfly. It represents being attuned and irrelevant to change, a certain maturity to be able to understand emotions, and have a strong gauge on life. So very seldom does it stay the same for long, life next to never allows the orchestra of the same song. Thank God, for how boring and barren that could become. But see heres the thing about adapting, it doesnt come with conviction. Some people would call me sneaky, I just call it grade A acting and great job security. I can be anything you ask me to be. Funny, my sense of humor goes anywhere from corny to sarcastically brutal. Everyone has a different sense, so I use that. Personally, I think its funny when someone is so dumb that their tutor needs a tutor. But thats just me, thats why for the other people, I approach with a false sympathy. See, I can be very politically correct, I can speak old English, I can talk math, I can talk anything and sound convincing, I just speak the walk and write the run, and people start thinking. Im 22 years old, I havent a damn clue what Im doing, but you all think I do, so thats how I do it. I pursue your weak sense of inside thinking, that sense where you think that right is right and that anyone in their right mind knows what their doing. When you see someone that can present themselves with confidence and nail the first meeting of everything they embark on, you start to believing that they have it all figured out. See, I just compose words pretty, and you think they are worth reading. I just play my part well, and you think it belongs to me. When Im around my dad, Im a brute and a goofball, I start headbutting him and we rejoice in being outlaws, and I know that it makes him happy. When Im around my mothers, I get all intellectual or inquisitive instead of primitive and it inspires the thought that I didnt turn out crappy. When I go to an interview I dress what I like to call business preppy, I get a big ole grand smile on my face and make them think Im what they are lacking. When people want to fight me, it always depends on if I can win and whats at stake. If its in my better interest to talk some well put bullshit while Im back stepping in the opposite direction, your damn right Im gonna run away. And when people call me out Ill just say I made them look dumb and that was all the fight and win that I need. But then sometimes, my back might be against a wall, I might have too big of an audience, too much of a crowd to fall on that strategy, thats when I go crazy and start breaking peoples walls and windows, thats when I get my big girl muscles on and just start hitting, hoping that they are naive enough to think that I dont have it in me to stop, but they are mistaken to think they can weigh anything that I do, because I will do what ever in that situation that puts me in the best shoes, its unpredictable, and Im not fake, Im just telling you the truth, I dont have convictions, only on paper, but listen, neither do any of you, unless your speaking out loud to people of coarse.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 23:24:20 +0000

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