Agree with Mick Foley 100%...Was a totally Predictable finish I - TopicsExpress


Agree with Mick Foley 100%...Was a totally Predictable finish I saw a mile off the moment they announced Batista returned, So a guy who has been away from the inustry for 4 years can come back and get a title shot handed to him immediatley as soon as he returns, BUT the hardest worker in the entire industry/company right now (Daniel Bryan) and someone who can have a great match with pretty much anybody hes put with, Consistanly has match of the night whether its a TV ,House show or PPV, and who has earned the respect of the entire crowd and is so over with them (more over than anybody I can think of since Rock/Austin) consistantly gets treated like shit.....Whatever happened to give the people what they want, cause they certainly dont want whats being given to them right now, call me old fashioned but i remember the days when the company used to at least try and get a gauge on what to do by listening to its audience...Well didnt they listen during the Cena & Orton match...they were bored ..and who the hell can blame them...Weve seen that match/Feud a million times now. the main event scenario is crying out for new blood and instead of looking elsewhere why dont they just give it to the guy who has earned his spot a million times over...Im all for the long game and seeing storylines play out as they should..but is the time right now to FINALLY give D-Bryan is much deserved main event status and title oppurtunity & reign.....YES..YES ..YES!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 23:38:30 +0000

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