Agreement has been struck to discuss everything except seceding - TopicsExpress


Agreement has been struck to discuss everything except seceding and matters undermining sovereignty by MNA November 26, 2014 Yangon, 26 Nov—President U Thein Sein met leaders of political parties at the hall of the Yangon Region government here on Wednesday and said: Since taking office, the union government has been making efforts for a successful democratic transition covering political, economic and social reforms. During the first wave, a number of measures for political reform were carried out for a smooth transition. The administrative system was reformed so that it matches the democratic system. Reform measures have been taken as the first wave, the second wave and now the third wave is being implemented pragmatically. The remarkable outcome of our efforts for political reform, national reconciliation and peace is the birth of a new political culture. As the new political culture that places emphasis on finding solutions through negotiation instead of confrontation and mutual exclusion of political forces prospers, democratic transition has been on the right track so far. It is necessary for all to cooperate to accelerate the momentum. I have always believed that the vitality of the current reform and the political process, which has reached a certain stage, resulted not just from the efforts of the union government, but also from the participation of all political forces such as the Hluttaws, political parties, the Tatmadaw and the entire people. There are achievements as well as challenges, which are to be overcome, during the reform process currently being carried out. In overcoming these challenges, success can be achieved only through the cooperation of the political forces of Myanmar. Concerning the amendment of the State Constitution, I have always expressed my stance that it is necessary to amend the Constitution so that it matches our country, our society, and changing political landscape. Amendment of the State Constitution that reflects the political agreements of all national races’ political forces will also be included in political dialogues that will result from the current peace-making process. It is true that everyone is responsible for amendment of the State Constitution. In this regard, the role of Hluttaw representatives, who are the major driving force of the legislative branch, are especially important. I would like to urge Hluttaw representatives to exert efforts with farsightedness and political goodwill as it is very important for the future of the nation and the people. Concerning the peace process and skirmishes that are breaking out at present, as I have always said, I have been making efforts for peace with the view that we lose a citizen when a member of the armed forces of an ethnic national race or one from the Tatmadaw or from the general public is killed or injured in conflicts. With regard to the recent skirmishes, solutions will be sought through negotiation and by forming monitoring teams. An important foundation of the current peace process has been laid. Major agreements have been reached to (1) Sign a nationwide ceasefire agreement (2) Found ceasefire monitor teams (3) Establish a union based on federalism (4) Hold political dialogues with the participation of all those who should do so. Negotiations between the Union Peace Making Work Committee and Nationwide Ceasefire Coordinating Team are still ongoing. After the nationwide ceasefire agreement has been signed, the required deployment of armed forces, discipline of armed forces, prevention of conflicts and monitoring will be carried out more effectively and unnecessary conflicts can be avoided forever. A sound political agreement has been reached to build a federal union which is essential for internal peace. With these sound foundations, an agreement has been struck to discuss everything necessary in political dialogues except separation and matters that undermine the sovereignty of the nation. It is also found that political parties are drafting a framework for political dialogues. I am very pleased about this. I would like to urge them to exert efforts for constructive and popular outcomes in drafting the framework. With regard to the National Education Law, we have found that there have been disputes and disagreements on the law, which has been approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. I suggest that this matter be discussed in line with existing laws. Opportunities on independent learning and the formation of student unions are important for universities. We understand this concept. We will support the formation of student unions. So I would like to suggest the setting up of a communication mechanism among students, academics and the administrative sector. As the National Education Law was approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, amendments or additions must be carried out in line with legislative procedures of parliament. The reform process for the whole education system will take time, and this process will be developed gradually. With regard to this matter, the present National Education Law can be regarded as a starting point, and a cooperative mechanism will be needed among the government, the Ministry of Education, universities, students and academics and educational organizations for the amendment and development of this law. On the four-party talks, we discussed with the leaders of political groups of the country on 31 October 2013. We had some difficulties in that meeting. However, it has motivated the leaders of the respective institutions to work for political agreements and implementation processes, and it has served as a fundamental step to ensure political stability. It also helped acquire a diversity of views and opinions of political parties, which are fundamental for future attempts. It is also believed that a good channel of communication could be established after that meeting. Political agreements from that meeting are very important for national reconciliation efforts. The aforementioned four points of agreement and the results which will come out from this meeting resulted from political dialogue. This proves that we are heading down the path of political dialogue in which all suitable persons are included. Whenever I met with the participants of today’s meeting in the past, I listened to and discussed the suggestions of political parties. We need to hold dialogues of political forces, and we will convene these dialogues like the summits held in Nay Pyi Taw. We have probably missed some points when we invited relevant parties. Therefore, we will try our best at the next meeting. We promise it. I want to emphasize one thing here. We all must understand different political views in the nature of the democratic system. However, as our country is still on the democratization process, political parties are advised to consider more about the national interest, rather than their political interests in the transitional process. The 2015 general election will be a major turning point for the democratization process of the country. In this circumstance, political parties are advised to have a wider view and pragmatism for political stability during this transition period to be able to successfully elect a government. Therefore, I call on your open suggestions and opinions. Leaders of 41 political parties and officials discussed a greater number of national race participants in political, economic, peace and political talks and regional development. After replying to the questions and discussions of political parties, the president thanked everyone for their suggestions with a positive attitude in the third talk. The government is implementing peace and stability and development of the social economy, which are two desires of the people, while the political parties represent public desires. Thus, a mechanism will be set up to coordinate between the government and political parties for their cooperation. He urged all to be tolerant of a peace process with the participation of political parties. He expressed thanks for emphasis of the political parties on the peace process and pledged to tackle the issue of land management. After the meeting, the president cordially greeted leaders of political parties. The president met the leaders of five political parties at the hall of the Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi taw on 31 October 2014. The meeting was attended by vice presidents Dr Sai Mauk Kham and U Nyan Tun, Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Thura U Shwe Mann, Speaker of the Amyotha Hluttaw U Khin Aung Myint, Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, Chairman of UEC U Tin Aye, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win, 14 people from the Union Solidarity and Development Party, the National League for Democracy, the National Unity Party, the Union Nationalities Alliance (UNA), the Nationalities Brotherhood Federation-NBF and FBA. The meeting was attended by leaders of 67 political parties.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 17:50:43 +0000

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