Ah, Beloveds, take heart and be unwavering in your faith and - TopicsExpress


Ah, Beloveds, take heart and be unwavering in your faith and devotion. For nothing is as it seems on the surface. From the perspective of a soul incarnate in the Human form, living and working and struggling to survive amidst the chaos of a transforming world, all might appear bleak indeed. But with all my heart, I speak this day to offer you assurance that this is hardly so. To be standing in the place where you are now, I too might be of a mind to feel discouragement and no small amount of impatience. Alas, even many of the most well-connected of you still cannot yet see the forest for the trees – and know that this is by design and it is fine. In order to be effective, you must still remain enmeshed within the Human experience, and all which that entails. You are the Leaders and the Awakeners. God’s children are learning and seeking, and must perceive you as relatable and synchronistic with their own emotions and needs. They must be able to say, “Yes, this person understands.” They must see clearly that it is possible to live the Human lifestyle in an awakened and enlightened manner, and that in so doing one can be in but not of the world. They shall come to you then, for guidance and with many questions. This shall come from watching as you go about the same daily tasks as they do, but in such a manner which bespeaks honor and compassion for the Earth and her inhabitants. They watch with rapt attention, in complete bepuzzlement and fascination, as you function patiently, gracefully and act always from the heart. This is your job. This is the very key to Humanity’s rise to freedom.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 16:23:21 +0000

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