Ah, day 14! Cant believe I am half way through this tremendous - TopicsExpress


Ah, day 14! Cant believe I am half way through this tremendous experience already! School for us is Monday to Thursday, so today was the last working day of week two. Got up in good time to check out of our accomodation again. I think the lady owner has taken a shine to me, as an older volunteer. She is very kind, so I asked if it was possible to leave a bag of stuff there rather than cart it all back here and then back to her again. She agreed, so am travelling slightly lighter! Got to school for 8.45pm. Realised that if we only did our own journey it would be 25 mins. Am kind of hoping they dont refill the other schools next week as the journey has been so much more pleasant this week. All of the rest on our school run finished today so we could be REALLY lucky and get a 25 min journey next week - but I doubt it ☺️ School was fun today. P1&2 mostly got on with their work properly - poor Becky has quite a problem with them, in that she feels if they cant be bothered to learn, why should she bother to teach! Unfortunately, as I know only too well, that is not how kids work! So I crack on regardless. P3&4 were on directions today so I did a bit of schoolwork teaching them the directions, then Becky made a bit of a game of it, and then, as the sun was out, we took them all outside and made it more fun still, finishing off back at their desks with a couple of worksheets. P5&6 was prepositions of a ... Cat - we had to teach them the use of words like Under, Above, Next to, Between, etc. this was pretty new to them. They knew on and in but not necessarily harder than that, so that felt good teaching them something we knew that in general they would grasp x Lunch was some egg fried rice with a sauce that we added to it ... Fairly bland in comparrison to some of the dishes, but tasty enough too. The remainder of the lunch break we played jacks again with mostly P1&2 kids, but plenty joined in too. Then we repacked our school stuff and got the bus back to the accommodation, where our taxi bus was waiting for us. The ride was quicker and we were down at the Oriental resort not long after 4pm. I had misread the email, they charged us 800 baht INCLUDING taxes so better still! Decided we would go straight out, drop our laundry off at a laundry point and book the trip. Again it was throwing it down so I had an umbrella in one hand and laundry in the other. As we were leaving the hotel I slipped on the wet steps and nicely grazed my elbow, and really slapped my arse! I have a lovely graze - which I will share with you - and a welt - which I will keep to myself! Recon the welt might just bruise too!!!! Booked the trip for tomorrow. Elephants trek and bamboo rafting I think! And the lady at the place we booked it took one look at my arm and insisted I go inside for some torture. She cleaned it up - which burned like hell! Recon it was probably like witch hazel on an open cut. Then she put iodine on it which stung again, and suggested I try to get it properly into the sea tomorrow. That wont be an option unless we get back early enough and the weather is decent. It is so choppy here so cant chance it. Did a little souvenir shopping and managed my list of a fridge magnet and a snow globe, so all good now, I can leave Thailand without buying anything else and will still have my full list! And of course, as is often the case, I will probably have a permanent reminder etched into my skin once this heals (as per my Iceland trip last year!!!) Went and had something to eat, then walked back to the hotel. Had a shower - ouch, stinging again - and now settled down relaxing on the bed xxx
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 14:03:52 +0000

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