Ah my wee man Jock has woken up with a chill this morning, bless - TopicsExpress


Ah my wee man Jock has woken up with a chill this morning, bless him, he is feeling really under par today, shivery and looking down in the mouth. So, he has been wrapped up tight, given a warm breakfast and is resting today, in his favourite spot of course. It happens to be a bonus, the chair is right by the radiator. lol. Thought he was feeling off colour before bed, he maybe caught something out in the fields last night. Lets hope it passes as quickly for him. Broggie has been lying on top, trying to help him, much to Jocks annoyance. That little terror slept with me again last night, its quite scary when you wake up with a furry snake wrapped around your neck...took me a while to realise its Broggies tail. lol. When I dropped off dreamily again, woken up abruptly with McLeod, going berserk!!! Broggie had decided to do a leap of faith across the bed, and landed smack bang on top of Mc. Now you have to be either extremely brave, or incredibly stupid to wake our westie boy up these days. He is getting exceedingly grumpy in his advanced age. Once that was all sorted its virtually time to get up and feed the clan. I adore the fact, that no matter what goes on during the before, or night, Piper always without fail wakes up so happy to see me, with her pink tennis ball. Strangely its the only one she hasnt destroyed, must realise its special from Iris. LOL. Whatever, wherever you are today, enjoy it. Every day counts guys, good or bad. Hugs Mo xxx
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 06:51:17 +0000

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