Ah new years day 2015 what a marvelous sight to have seen, but now - TopicsExpress


Ah new years day 2015 what a marvelous sight to have seen, but now its night and all has changed. I went outside for a quick smoke with the misses and although chilly winds blew, it was quiet pleasant. We stood there talking about life, science and looked up upon the stars. She was leaning against the window ledge made of brick, with her back against the window. When we finished our cigarettes and I threw mine in the bucket, she went to do the same. It missed by a fraction and i smiled at her and then gave a short laugh. As she bent down to pick it off the cold hard dirt, i saw something behind her. A face of a man with big black eyes, a really wide toothy smile and blood covered cheeks. With our child inside asleep, I screamed to the misses to get inside. We searched the entirety of our two bedroom house, the dark corners where shadows lurked and the cabinets and cupboard where people could fit. There wasnt a soul around, not even a small sound. There was nothing out of place, nothing out of ordinary. I began to think I was hallucinating and I probably was to be fair. We both calmed down and I got hit for making up a fuss and lying to scare her. I just laughed, so sure was I that something was in our house. We both sat down to watch TV and then it got worse. The TV turned off and the face was there staring at us both. Our child began to scream and the face smiled wider, I didnt think that was at all possible. We ran into the nursery and our child was missing. A scream came back from the lounge room we were just in, we ran like lightning to check it out. We bolted through the lounge room door and were at a stand still. Blood all over the place like something had exploded. We werent gone from this room any longer than a minute, no loud bangs or noises besides that blood curdling scream. But there in the TV was our childs skin and as an antenna, bones. The rest of our child was missing, but painted on the wall in blood next to our TV was the face, smiling with the sentence Payment accepted. We called the police who are still investigating and we have been told not to say a word as it could compromise the investigation but Im warning you all. Be careful when you wish for things. I just wished to win the lottery, I won £2 but lost my baby, my world. Be careful what you wish for, you never know who is listening or what price your paying.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 18:53:27 +0000

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