Ahead of the 2015 presidential election, former Vice President, - TopicsExpress


Ahead of the 2015 presidential election, former Vice President, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar has urged Nigerians to see him as a brand new politician desirous of taking the country to greater heights. He stated this yesterday in an interactive session with journalists in Lagos. According to him, the period he has been out of power has given him the ample opportunity to study the challenges rocking the country and measures needed to solve the problems. He said, “As I have already indicated, I will be offering myself as a candidate under the platform of my party, the All Progressives Congress (APC). “If anything, I want you to see me as a new Atiku. I was in government from 1999 to 2007 and I always thank my God that it did not continue. I have had a break. That break has enabled me to interact with ordinary Nigerians, listen to them and know what they want. Probably if I had continued and become the president, I wouldn’t have been the new Atiku that I am now.” Atiku added that allegations of corruption levelled against him were the handiwork of his political adversaries bent on denting his image. “I have not been charged for corruption; I am the most investigated Nigerian today. All these investigations revealed nothing, so it is a question of perception. I am capable of running a corruption free economy,” he assured. “Corruption can always be tackled by deploying political will and building institutions to deal with it. No administration has done that in the country better than our administration”. “We set up all the anti-corruption institutions to deal with corruption. They may not be perfect but the fact that we set up these institutions to deal with corruption is an effort we made to deal with the issue of corruption. During our period, more people were charged to court for corruption than any other administration”. “Then again the records have to be put right that the draft of the Economic and Financial crimes Commission (EFCC) we wanted was a tougher EFCC than what the national assembly approved, they watered it , we wanted a tougher EFCC.. “When it was eventually approved I even went out of my way because there was no appropriation for the agency to borrow money from a government agency to enable EFCC function effectively pending when the national assembly will appropriate money for the agency. So no administration that has done as much as had done to fight corruption since the return of democracy in Nigeria.” On inconsistency in political party membership, Atiku said it is the parties that has been inconsistent with him. “In the present dispensation I am not aware of anyone contesting that wants to give up on APC. I know Rabiu will not do so, General Muhammadu Buhari is not going to do that. As for me as far as I am concerned APC is my final bus stop.” Atiku said he will pay attention to matters affecting the youths. “Between 50 to 70 percent of our population are youths and therefore the future of this country is theirs. We are also trying to work out partnership with youths to see how we can ensure smooth generational transfer . “So that it will give them the benefit of our experience and wisdom in forging ahead it is going to be a unique experience we have not witnessed before. “I have interacted with the youths on the social media . They are very much on social media and it is dominated by the youths. It is extremely important to engage the youths so that we can understand their thinking and what they want and what the expect from politicians. “In the past politicians tend to believe they know what the people want before engaging the people. We now want to do it differently engage the people they tell us what they want. Politics is service. Its a duty for politicians to serve the people,” the Turaki Adamawa said.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 17:39:40 +0000

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