Ahh... I have reached that phase again in which I tire of the - TopicsExpress


Ahh... I have reached that phase again in which I tire of the trash discussions on some particular issue of the day (in this case this stupid Paris issue). Ignorant debates left, right and center... mostly off the mark. But that is how our Masters like it. They must be reveling in our stupidity as we bite and tear into each other with increasing fervor. As always we do their dirty work for them! Of course we know that freedom of speech is really NOT the core issue in the Paris events. It is merely that cyncial cartoons on matters of personal beliefs (as despicable as they are) are merely the final straw, in an unending series of violence, degradations and humiliations, that has now finally broken a camels back. You can take everything material from a man but--for some at least--be wary of taking his DIGNITY. In these days of upended human values in the West, it may come as a surprise, it may seem that the former sentence is the wrong way around: but no, there are still those who actually have some--dignity that is! Dear friends, there is truly little that needs saying. And that little is the following eternally simple truism. Something we ALL really know: The West is, at its core, a gang of murderous thugs and thieves. And any murderous gang of thugs and thieves will seek to diminish and vilify those who dare defend themselves. In this case those defenders are mainly Muslims because they are the final major global grouping remaining that stands in potentially meaningful opposition to the neoliberal onslaught. This is the real game: global capitalist control. That Muslims are the final grouping is simply a matter of chance. Whoever that grouping might have been--in some alternative universe--would have been vilified and persecuted in similar manner. When pushed to the limit of what is humanly bearable, people tend to defend themselves. The desperate use the means at their disposal: these means are invariably disdainful--but the persecutors leave no choices!! There is ONLY ONE source of change in this world and that is the WEST. Generally speaking, in this world it is hard to imagine true and widespread self-reflection among the thieving Western parasites who directly persecute and those who are the secondary beneficiaries (the broader Western public). The rest of the world tires of our disgraceful and duplicitous rhetoric. We are despicable and, in our insatiable greed, we have turned the world into a living hell for many--if not most! These are times for deep, truly profound self-reflection in the West. Of course, given our arrogance, our vanity and self-glorification that is something we can hardly expect. Wring this I feel almost silly...it is so banally obvious. Yet, it is precisely the banality of core truths about ourselves and what we in the West must finally face! WE ARE THE GLOBAL PARASITE...AND YES, WE ARE SECULAR!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 07:51:00 +0000

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