Ahhh…now that’s more like it. I found Episode 2 much more - TopicsExpress


Ahhh…now that’s more like it. I found Episode 2 much more engaging than the season opener. From frame 1, a new mystery is unveiled to us as we see that someone is actually baiting the walkers to come to the fences, which explains why the groups of them seem to increase overnight. Of course, it would be a fairly logical conclusion that whoever is baiting the walkers also turned Karen and random survivor guy X, who I will call Ash (for obvious reasons), into…well…ash. And not only do we have a traitor in our midst, but we also have a new virus that seems to kill people practically overnight. I was thinking that the kid at the end of last week fell and cracked his head open on the floor, but it actually seems there is a new contagion in town. The implication is that the pigs brought it into the compound, but I am hoping it is something more ‘sinister’ than that. My theory is that the zombie virus has mutated and that it now kills people before it reverse-kills them and turns them into the zombies. I’m fairly certain that is NOT it, but let me live in my own little world, ‘kay? It’s nice here and chocolate has no calories. As a side note; did anyone notice during the credits that one of the executive producers for this episode was named Grace Walker? Kinda funny. Ahem. Lets turn to Rick, who seems to be trying to go the route of the pacifist. Rick is tired of killing. But when you take out a walker, is it really killing? I mean, they’re already dead, right? So you can’t kill them if they’re already dead, Rick! You’re just, kind of…you know…making sure the deadness sticks. Anyway, his agricultural turn seems to be okay with everyone, but there is this look in Daryl’s eye that they really need him, and Rick knows it. Carl even wants to go back over to the ballistic side when he asks for his gun back after needing to rescue Michonne. Which speaks to one of the themes of the season: You can’t go back. Once something big like this happens, there is no going back to the way things were. Now, last week Hershel tried to convince Rick that you can go back and reclaim what was, but after this week and Rick’s decision to take up arms again, it seems like the writers are trying to tell us the opposite. Finally, I want to talk about Carol and Michonne. I don’t like how they are ‘developing’ Carol. Last season, they seemed to be making her a strong character, but without her going all emotionless and dark. Now, though, between the knife training and her lecturing children to be strong, I almost feel like they are ‘copping out’ and turning her (and even Beth) into, frankly, everyone else. And if we stick with the theme that you can’t go back, I don’t see the old (and I think better) Carol returning. As far as Michonne goes; take the sword, give her a baby instead, and viola! New Michonne! I kid though. That scene with Judith really intrigued me. Are we going to finally learn something about our horse riding samurai wannabe? I hope so. When Judith upchucked on Beth, was she doing what babies do…or does she have the virus? Oh yeah…Tyrese sings! (Maybe that’s what killed Karen)
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 01:06:37 +0000

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