Ahl al-Bayt of Muharem chats .. Jacob Tatlıcı Ahl al-Bayt - TopicsExpress


Ahl al-Bayt of Muharem chats .. Jacob Tatlıcı Ahl al-Bayt There are two things that the universe is both clean and Cleaner : One of the water , one of the Ahl al -Bayt -i- Mustafa What is meant by Nur -i- Muhammad , what do you understand this statement ? Sir, said the creation of the universe, a news is explained. God Almighty has set aside your own nurundan a light . But here the phrase we need to pay attention . Per se , is not the spirit ; nurundan a light parted , and he nura Be Muhammad , he said . This order was embodied in human form that light , to come immediately expressed Apparating and La ilaha illa he said. Allah , the Exalted, replied : O Messenger of Allah Muhammedun . This is embodied in human form ... or since they murad -i is divine , self- will, they will not work . As the caliph of Allah sent all the people on earth , because they are in the form of Nur -i- Muhammad Nur -i- Muhammadi in human form ... I mean, rather than have people in the form of Nur -i- Muhammad . This is the first occurrence of the words are already a part of the Lord for example, the light - as I said before . Then Nur -i- Muhammadi Levhi , pens, arşlar , kürsiler vs ... created. All Nur -i- Muhammadi reflection . Nurullahtır of course , Nur- i Muhammad . Do not see a separate , must not be cross-eyed . Tawhid just Allahu-Akbar , La ilaha illa is not just about the repetition of the words I tayyibesinin . There is such a combination of advanced order of Monotheism . Despite this, the words of Ibn Arabi Grace God does not give anyone Allahlığını , including Habib This lab came very highly nuanced language- it does not work . However, intuition , affection through love rather understood things. Allah and His angels , His Messenger, peace and blessings are verse What is the meaning is meant salattan ? Becoming a Muslim , and all İbadat and taattan , akaitten intent ; God ahlaklanmaktır Ahlakıyla . But just as I have offered to God , not anyone Allahlığını . Lord, Lord, and the servant servant . Khaliq halıktır , but halifetullah mahluktur to be created is a very important issue. Khalifa , müstahlefi must be like . Allah and His angels at the beginning of a verse using the absolute expression innallahe to use the expression of absolute Hz with the angel . Is the Prophet s blessings . Word meaning a lot of blessings come . Here .... What is it? Kowtow . Halik is mahlukunagreyhound ? Do not have a record , someoneconfused ? Sympathy is Habibine . It also commands the angels . We also do with Sympathy a duty . If how the Messenger of Allah s blessings , we also have to like her blessings . We call for this verse : Gracious ! Allahumma ! O our God ! We are worthy of Him , and with the blessings of condolence with the salâtlayamayız . Please send blessings on our website namımıza you . Allahumma Salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad , I mean it . How the Prophet Muhammad : I did not know you, O Lord, the right to you , we ask our Lord that we are obeying our Lord the Messenger of Allah Rasul -i Kibriyaya right hound and blessings we can not , or you Do something to the Lord for us . So you need to understand . Said to be the twin sister of Muhammad in the Quran , we need to understand how ? Now, twin sister adjective is a word we understand what he said . Is informal . There is one and two twin was . The Koran and the Prophet Muhammad is not separate from each other . The Messenger of Allah is the Lord of forty years tedkik previous life , seen a single verses state opposition . Likewise Near the end of his life during the life style of the previous verses, the opposition never came to that verse in the body. For example, the People of the trust is a very important event to give an earthy matter . On this verse, the conquest of Mecca , the Lord has the last time . But all the People of Our Lord has entrusted to sixty years . Research calmly. During the relics of the Prophet emigrated to it . Ali left the Prophet after him . I went to the cave with the Sevres Ebubekirle described. It seems to be very easy , without adaptation to the inner face of the matter is ... that time in Mecca and the Prophet Muhammad . Other than Abu Bakr , the Prophet. Ali and the Prophet . No Muslim except Osman . All polytheist . But the Lord entrusted his ass up against your enemies until there is no money for the person to maintain , bonds , jewelry, relics they refer to him as Muhammedül - Emin , leaving our tabirimizle our Lord the Messenger of Allah . It is also a matter of life - and death as apparent at first it s going to abandon his country all these years for the delivery of relics görevlendirip Almighty Ali sets off after him . So Rasulullah learned and lived after the start of the morality of Islam is the verses of the Quran to descend . Almighty Allah Habib-i Edibini I kept for any errors and rebellion and opposition to any verse before the age of forty , and then the verb- noun is not possible to see the Prophet . That is the moral -i- Mohammadi ... How many names of the Prophet , was how to use them , what can be said about the meaning of ? The names of the Lord are many. They are counted , are not listed . Moreover, in the name of our Lord melekuttaki thing, however, is different Moreover, in the name of the world , universe -i ervahtaki name are different. There are also adjectives . These adjectives Masjid - Nabawi in Medina, the qibla wall was written during the Ottoman period , there hakkedilmiştir to let everyone know . However, how the Almighty Gods Esma -i şerifesi not limited doksandokuzla ; - known because, unfortunately, this is wrong . Allah has ninety-nine name is called. Is not the case . Hadith -i- Sharif, ninety-nine names of Allah in one of the following check shoring says The Messenger of Allah , our Lord. but , unfortunately, it does not say that our people understand doksandokuzdur . An incorrect understanding. - How to limit Esmasına Almighty Allah does not exist, there is no limit Rasul -u Kibriyanın the esmasına . Ibn Arabi Holiness I have identified , and each esma -t -u Kibriyanın Esmasını Rasul saw the shadow hymn to come . Around ten thousand . As far as the Almighty Hadrat Ibn Arabi Hakkın sayabildiği the Resullullahın Şeriflerine the Esma -i put the border does not limit anyone , not even ten grand, is not limited . A husband, a father, a grandfather , a commander , a friend and how do Effendi as a friend ? There are so many attribute the prophet Muhammad . He şahikasını adjectives , summit , peak experienced . Very compassionate father , a beloved wife , a very able commander, as a diplomat, all the attributes of a very thin wing cases of the finest and most experienced . Let us supply some samplers . Rasulullah metaına world heritage importance will not give up worldly as other poor person peygamberan - I lived in my rent . Hz . Solomon appears to be very rich , but not the personal property of the state property. As is to be the king s own property , the Prophet. Süleymanınkiler de ... Hz . Hassan and Hussein masters want to buy the youngster came to play . Lamb of our children as they want from us ... come to our Lord said, My children do not have the money it will take . I want you to let me camel ? She said, come down on all fours , until the compassionate grandchildren will play a grandfather to take her back . Hz . Tell our mother Aisha : The Prophet me to want of water , take him in a container . First of all you internal or Bu they would say. I used to drink a sip . Then there was drinking place to bring your mouth falls to drink. His wife , a wife bride all such flattering . Sevde , our mother, Safiya validemizle when she married Lord : I no longer ihtiyarladım . And accompany you , and see your home service condition. He divorces me, Im afraid. Says Lord gentle enough to make a joke of a companion to distribute its range . Why do not you want to divorce me ? Do you bad, is released. Look, Im giving you a lot of work , etc. . as is. No , or the Messenger of Allah , the Day of Judgment as your wives would haşrolmak . Im afraid our divorce for her says our mother Sevde . Buyuruyorlar Lord comforted . Such a thing is not stroked buyuruyorlar love together until his death . Such a spouse, such a grandpa. The son of Abraham (pbuh) compassionate father who died when his suggestion . However, even in the Ashab al- Kiram masters Hazarat zevat unable to comprehend the Lord had this in tact . Lord when he cries, you know you forbade us to cry enough to say who misunderstand said ... I did not ban you cry . I have to rip your shirt , yelling and shouting , why did God not to let me head to keep my child forbade buyuruyorlar . Lord Commander of Uhud, the Messenger of Allah gazvesindeki as important as strategy taught in textbooks . Agreement as a diplomat Hudaybiya swings, offensive , attitude , Hz . But very far-sighted , even by Omar welcomed the appeal , addressed to the thickness of recognition , based on a very fine diplomat . All the attributes of the Lord is the highest that all AhvaL . What does the term refers to the Ahl al-Bayt ? Love the Ahl al- Bayt , and to count , to be bound by the holy family and the generations to work mean? We are all Americans kızıyoruz , speaking words that shorten . But we are doing the same thing . Geçiveriyoruz saying Ahl al-Bayt . However, all of his Ahl al-Bayt Mustafa. Word of the Ahl al -Bayt are insufficient , because we all have a couplet , there ehlimiz . Ahl al-Bayt , the household means. Ehl-i Beyt -i- Mustafa , Mustafa, the household means. We have buttermilk , lemonade, tea etc . ablution , but we can not drink with them . Because , buttermilk , lemonade , tea is not clean , but cleaner . Acid is not clean , but cleaner. The universe is something that is both clean and cleaner . One of the water , one of the Ahl al-Bayt -i- Mustafa . Both were clean, the cleaners. It also is a form of behavior that respect . If love is a matter of the heart . The Messenger of Allah and his family can count on . Decent people do that. Love is reserved for people who have a high heart . And excess - I will sakit mahabbah adab . I do not understand everyone else . Can be seen as rudeness , disrespect , but can be seen as excess - I will sakit mahabbah decency . His loved ones say that the Messenger of Allah to love our Lord , to love is not love do not like him . A little before the Lord validelerimizi wives , offspring and grandchildren misalleriyle me how you tried to supply . Therefore, mothers of the believers proviso Holy Lord wives already . Haramzadedir kid who does not love his mother already . Verses about mothers , love each other . Those who have faith and love, carry a jot . Likewise, the Lord of His love for family member , meaning that they are worthy to be loved, all detached itself as a supremely worthy of love and respect for people. We unfortunately do not have enough tedkik ahalimiz the enthusiast . All of these are written in the books , some okuyuversinler . How high are the people , no matter how respectable people , they already learn how people are worthy of love . The enemies of the Lord and his family and gafillerdir just ignorant . A separate issue, a matter of faith . Bismark , Goethe Christian. But Bismark , I m sorry to yaşayamadığıma time , O Prophet of the Muslims . Memory of tazimle in front of the bow , he says . But this is a respect for faith . You never know with this talk of respect for God by faith Habibine might have enabled honored . I do not know . What is meant by Habibullah beloved of God characterization of what is to be understood ? Makam-ı Mahbubiyet onlyspecific Effendi ? Would never be one-sided conversation . Must be mutual . Mahbub seen as a hub , is seen as beautiful is so popular . Almighty God loves Muhammad (pbuh ), respectively. This is only our Lord -off authority. Makam-ı Mahbubiyet , Mahbubu kibriya , Kibriyadır Habibi . Also the people , I dislike the Messenger of Allah, our Lord , and thus supplying the public men -i- Kiram Zülcelale are a great conversation . They are the heirs of the office of Lord kibriya mahbub -i -i- mahbubiyet possessors of their miktarlarınca authority . Heirs of the Prophet PBUH , scholars , eve , and lovers. Scholars nübüvvetine , eve wisdom , chit-chat varistirler re in love . Muhammad glorifies the sole asset of the person vurulmaktır mihengine . What if you are so Mohammadi in science , the wisdom , the Prophet Muhammad mahabbah how much older than that . Here are the Prophet. Abdulkadirleri Hz. Mevlana , the Prophet. Hüdaileri Hz. Yunus Emre, the great Lords of Saud , which makes it great conversation -i Muhammediyyeleridir , not anything else . Sir Hz . Bilal Habeşliydi known , Arabic pronunciation is rumored to be troubled , eşhedü could call eshedü is said to have pronounced . But, Lord, prayer, would have preferred to listen to his voice . When some of the companions to this appeal , the Bilal Sin , Sin sight of God commanded. Even the Prophet on it . Abu Bakr , I wish I were failure Muhammad said, it is claimed . How do you interpret the word ? Rasulullah too high and too thin in every respect . While you were busy himself with music for all the people saying it should be circumcised . However, the capability is a matter of a musical . Of people would not, but not music for everyone taste . Lord he was taking the highest level of taste . How do I know ? Hz . Habeşle like Bilal , the Prophet. Mektun such as Abdullah Ibn Kor - zahir As youre welcome ! - Appointed to the muezzin understood. Because it is so caustic, it was so nice and it was so harmonious that they read both of them are choosing . Rasulullah their holy Quran , Quran Recitation fasih the language of the science of studying the world today as it was relayed to know there are seven , and their singing is all true , no one, not a fault . The error does not appear with Prophet Messenger of Allah . Hz . Abu Bakr said, here is a promise too thin . Muhammad (pbuh) Let me be close to . Let me get the error had something to do with her mean a sublime expression of affection . Hz . Abu Bakr -i şeriftir a very important person . Değerinianlamaya a word is enough for us . Gracious the hell out of me so my body not fit anyone else , believers burn. When a man is not a believer Amir al Resulullahtan he then took over the administration . Amir al- believer said she would be the word . Hz . Omar the widows this goat on the side of the Euphrates lost, asked me , said Amir al- miminindir for . It is necessary to understand the subtleties . Science is a city , the gate named Ali (ra) need to understand how the tradition ? Hz . Ali is not possible to fit the words , like all the Ashab and dignitaries . This is only a Prophet. Ali is about . I am the door of sıddıkiyet Entering the City of Abu Bakr , Umar I Entering the City of justice, the gateway , the gateway to Osman I Entering the City of testicle , I Ali gateway to the city of knowledge . All of these words is the case. This is only a Prophet. Ali is off . I Fatmadanım , Fatma from me . These are the terms which express intimacy , Arabic expressions. Was very much used to qualify . Hz . Ali and His Majesty the blood tie, tie and groom , as well as being very close to many relatives . It was given that these words are so close we can understand . Quran because of how obeying the Messenger to me means submitting to Him, rebellion, revolt me , he indiyse verse Muhammad Rasul -i kibriya zevat said about the words of this kind of obedience to our Lord to obey them , Master the rebel rebellion means to them . Hz for him . Jingle ears of those who justify those who rebelled Ali , the Prophet. Those who rebel against Ali , Effendi , and therefore to the Koran , God thus rebelled . In terms of the secret Miracın , Muhammad Jamal- i will explain how Divine wisdom is the mirror ? Fit to a verse in the truths of Solomon Çelebimiz expressed very high indeed a very important person-I şeriftir . You did that lets humor miraç petition / prayer You made miracını Ummah . Here in this hadith the Prophet of the Lord in prayer together when considering the reputation Ascension evil - I with God is an Identity kesbetmek . It is not meant to be , but an Identity kesbetmek . Hz . With a story that explains the example of Rumi Masnavi -i -Sharif : a palace built by a sultan . All rooms adorned with individually saves illuminators . First came a great gift to give . All miniaturists became aspire . Some halls , sometimes the corridor , sometimes there, sometimes here ... a very famous muralist who aspire to the great hall was the main wall of the embroidery . I have two boys as the saying goes , The Lord has made us the great muralist NACS want the opposite wall . But there is one requirement . work together until the end of a curtain stretched . Well, was known. Nakışlamışlar walls in the meantime all the miniaturists . Last day , now the competition have on the decision-making . Indeed, the famous muralist enough to win the admiration of his extraordinary genius wall embroidery other designers works . But there is a requirement of the last will unlock the screen they said. Won first place before the famous muralist , almost certain , but the curtains open. The curtain pulled across the brightest of the NACS more and more beautiful . He has to marvel at the famous muralist How do you think what Im thinking . I cheated on me . No, it is not possible to take a copy , because they are already browsing the sultans guards . Only two boys have made it to the wall finish . Have made it a polish , its a nice way to NACS parlatmışlar aksettiriyor the opposite . Sezai Hasan for her words of our Lord , Muhammad Jamali passed away Mirat Muhammad appeared in his own person Heavy a promise. This is not a promise that everyone can understand . Anlamayanlardan our request , should not deny , Does something like that ? Do not call . We understand the times did not come yet they must say. Should they accept the shortcomings . That is our request . How Mirat Jamal- i Haqq Muhammad ( pbuh ), the mirrors are Muhammediliğin hazaratıdır evliyaullah masters . Here is her lemaan Ali embroideries , shines . Hz . Our master to present the whole round -i- Alia Ali zevat - passenger cable commitment that my rent , it parallels the current commitment continues , will continue until the Day of Judgment . Burd ode -i think the author , a poet Muhammad relics throughout human history, can we say that the best gift , you say? That poem , something that will get the hearts of the poet . This is atonement ? Because these issues in our hearts . This is a penny can be a sweet smile as well. If you remove the expense of doing evil reputation of Muhammad -i can be the cardigan . Here we go again with an Arrival -i Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi, Prophet Muhammad , his Prophet. Sırtındakini news to those who Shems , remove the rack on giving . They say that they are Hüdavendigar to lie. Hz . Shams do not see . I know, she says, lies in my gift . Id kill the right söyleselerdi . These bets conversation , sir, I do not understand anyone . Bet that this conversation . Yunus Emremizin phrase people who are in love will deligen / person laughs deal with what happens gelegen / Dervish Yunus even hurt you dervishes / Dervishes is ordinarily considered to prayer . For example, the poet Iqbal has a very nice word . Hz . Fatma is a great article talking about , I Hz . Fatma övmedim my words . Hz by to talk about Him . Fatma honored my words , he says . This also applies to other poets . Zevat that there are a lot of these verses . Is also very close to the poet Iqbal said . What is your favorite of written Effendi naatlar ? What can you say about the tradition of naat ? Languages in the Muslim world is different now . Todays the beginning of the twentieth century twenty-one percent of the total Muslims around the world speak Arabic. So people might think, they do not constitute the most parts of the Arabic-speaking Muslims . Urdu is more crowded. About twenty-eight percent . About twenty-six percent of Turkish and branches . There are also local languages , such as Malaysia and Indonesia . Bosnian and Albanian Muslims as there are languages used . Turkish in the whole history of the Muslim world , although it is about twenty-five percent of the world literature naatların Effendi Eighty percent of post belongs to Turkish literature . We love the Turks Effendi . Süleyman Çelebis statement that it is love ; It was laid on a mattress heva / Name SUNDUS lining the moment angel. Even if we are not willing to rise to the Lord in the bed or cot . However, a mattress laid on the world to come up welcome. Whether or not a thereof . These events are important . These are the people whether literature. People fall in love with literature. Of course, the tradition of devotion to the prophet Muhammad called asceticism literature. ( You know Süleyman Çelebi, Grace, Grace Dervish Emir Sultan . Nurbahşiyye belong to sect . Bursa, the first Imam and hatibidir Cami-i Kebirinin . Bursa Ulu Mosque built by Sultan Bayezid . ) Yes , so we love the Effendi . It also expressed the most precious in all the jewels , but some of us like to carry a ring they say. I can see , can my very small , consisting of a few books . Now that you ve asked for me personally one of those stone rings . Lord Sheikh Galip that another kıyamayacağım Sultan -i- Rasul sahinim .... Sir, there is only one for me . This is an objective , not a subjective opinion. Sir Muhammad Mahmud Ahmad-i u ... But you These words are the words to say with the poet, nature, and nature -i şiiriyye not necessary to love -i- Mohammadi . Its also a step in the word of the Lord again, Sheikh Galip : If our Lord reputation universe s you ... he began Hz . Rumi poem that has been written . Pride and joy of my head I have a cone - s you , he. Of course, they will always range range . Issued by a stone thrown into still water rings, but the truth is the same as the image separately . We see that when we look at rings , all of the water in the pool . So, I mean conversation - conversation -i Mevlana means i Muhammadiyah . Muhabbetullah conversation is to say -i Muhammadiyah . Occurrence is different , but thats not to squint , those who see an eye between them ayıramazlar two . Because the exclusive means - I can not see the self- Dide even while seeing . Eyes can not see itself , although it is through vision . I need to see them , not the realm of strabismus . If the treatment of strabismus through complacency . Ö.TUGRUL İNANÇER
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 18:53:39 +0000

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