Ahl al-Bayt of Muharem chats .. Jacob Tatlıcı Hz. Some of the - TopicsExpress


Ahl al-Bayt of Muharem chats .. Jacob Tatlıcı Hz. Some of the words of the Court in Ali Hz.Ali the whole of humanity as well as shedding light on this idea and write poems, skin fills a treasure. We have a bunch of them here, but we will. Those who read them, some think they do, thoroughly understand what these words carry great meaning behind. «Your life, you will end up one day for a while in this mortal world consists of a few minutes dated the discovery.» «Every time he breathed a bit of life missing. That means that you vanish, every breath you closer to death, but also gives you the. » «I could ride a force in this transmigration takes towards another realm.» «This day in the morning to another borough. And without him in the evenings. However, the news that the body does not even have to change constantly. » «Everything is subservient to Gods grandeur. The power of the body with everything it finds, and continues with its potency. » «All the beauty of the face and moral wealth of the poor. God, the refugees, the true and the beautiful riches of God gives the treasury. » «Zelil and is despised, but God walking would sığınmakla this behavior, he can recover from his path.» «God and the loser of each weak force. They are weak and the poor, but with Gods grace and power of emotions can escape. » «God is the only being that all the suffering refuge. Suffering is suffering, but suffering can avoid committing to him with their presence hulusluğu heart. » «Gods servants who want to help him do hear voices. Reads the contents of dökemiyenlerin sorrow and lamentation is unable to, you know. » «Death syrup drinkers will return to him in truth. Return to God. » «O my Lord! Şanından that your eyes will not see you, can make the power of the news. » Youre an entity that it is, etmeğe describe your qualifications than those they had before.» «O my Lord! Youve created halketmedin critters in violence. » «And I did not want to act any benefit from them for their own account.» «Who are you that you can not escape if youre going to readline.» And you can not escape the wrath of whoever rebelled Eyler you if you are the one.» And anyone who rebelled against you, you can not damage the might.» «And Im obedient, and glorify your existence.» «What if I did no one who denied you can not exempt you.» «O my Lord! The things that youve created, youre old enough to everything! » And their size, you His power, greatness is small enough to what to do next.» «O my Lord! How big is the worlds blessings and rich. » And these blessings, no matter how small, and gainful âhirettekilere respect.» «Stopping some of the evils when faced with a disaster, take on the measure of patience. This is the best. Patience, you get good results. » «Your friend peymânını ahd and store-and Stick to it, keeping it needed a good flavor of beverages hear til you came.» «And then praise be to Allah-u sena and be thankful for all the blessings that he bestowed upon you, bless them larger.» «Talib to be the highest of degrees in public. Because people do not want, that degree will merit worthy. » «Rızkı lawful door always ask. Try to win all the time that is lawful, you come Rizk coat all sides. » «Know Your friend wajib on the right. Will one day. It also corresponds to the. » «To mama, daddy, that pious neighbor, relatives and taallukatına, competent and always well treated meat and help them to find ayaline.» Hz.Ali the writing skills, the trees of the castle, the seas were ink, power is still not enough. A drop of deryadan. Error and should rather pardon noksanlarımızı SECOND HZ IMAM. LIFE OF IMAM MÜCTEBANIN HASANÜL Hz.İmâm Hasan, with Hz.Ali Hz.Fâtıma salt Zahra marriages, the first son of the world. The Prophet Muhammads beloved grandson Hasan Hz.İmâm, Hegira 15th of Ramadan 3rd year on the day the world came to Madinah Munawarah. Hz.İmâm Hasan, 5 girls, including 11 men, 16 were sons. Hasan Hz.İmâm identifiers, Abu Mohammed, nicknames Mujtaba, clever, SIBT is and the most famous nicknames in the Selected means Mujtaba is. Muhammad, Hz.İmâm beloved grandchildren Hassan and Hussein Hz.İmâm many lovers, and they are about, paradise of the young masters of Hassan and Hussein, ulularıdır, They are my two bunch flower, the world, he says to them, My sons, addressed as they would. Prophet; Hz.İmâm about Hassan and Hussein Hz.İmâm; God commanded, I love these two, and you love them and those who love them, they are my sons and my daughter. Again buyurmuşlardı hadith as follows: They love me love, the God who loves me, loves, who loved God puts God in heaven; them buğzeden buğzeder me, me buğzeden buğzeder God, he throws the hell buğzedeni Allah. Hz.İmâm Hasan, until the beginning of her breasts, Ekrem benzerlerdi Hz.Resûl-u. In particular, very similar to the faces of the Prophet Almighty. Hz.İmâm Hasan, an example of morals, and the generosity of the people too much. Muhammad in the Hadiths, Hz.İmâm about Hasan: This is my son Sayyed. God through him the Muslims uzlaştıracaktır between two large battalions are quoted buyurdukları. Hz.Ali, after regaining Hakka Hz.İmâm Hasan kefenlemişler gasledip themselves, have made many prayers, Tombs of the current location the same night, in the morning, Najaf (Iraq) settled a city. Hz.İmâm Hasan, fathers Hz.Ali click after placing shrines rich, poor, all the people gathered. Sympathy conditions are met, then the ring of Ramadan mosque of Kufa 21.günü said; Tonight, it was the death of a man utter that, Resûlullahtan another, are in excess of what his degree in those before, of what has come after. He is the Messenger of Allah mâhiyyetinde fights, bells in the guarded it. He would have gone to the right of Gabriel, Michael left. God willing, goes, dönmezdi conquering. Ağdığı Ascension of Mary, of the death of Moses, Joshuas guardian, the death of Muhammad, the Quran came down a couple nights. Gold and silver, but left seven hundred dirhams. The stand comes here Hz.İmâm Hasan began to cry, the public also suited him. Then said; O people, who knows me, that I may know who does not know his son Hasan Ali. Good news for the people of my employer, my people, that scares me, the son of Muhammad. God is my God, people leave the callers son. My o «Ahl al-Bayt» than that, God would have them all kinds of evil; immaculate couple of them. My o «Ahl al-Bayt» than that, Gabriel, sunk down to our house, our house into the sky turned white. My o «Ahl al-Bayt» than that, Allah has commanded to love them, and that every Muslim farzetmiş; «Say; Risâletimin (Peygamberliğimin) regarding the notification, family (Ahl al-Bayt), I do not want to love no other fees. Whoever has won favor, we increase his reward .. » (Sura 23.âyet) kerimesini after reading the verse, the beautiful and the good work, we« Ahl al-Bayt »to love. After the sermon, he replied that Hasan Hz.İmâm; Prophesy sultanate heir to the throne, in lieu of guardianship judge my property, that the religion of ancestor has invited you. My father eriştirdi happiness you find the right path. I invite you now are in their way. And I know this is true, I adhere to comply with them, against them is to put to me. The son, Abdullah Abbas stood up when it comes to here: O my people, he said, This prince, the son of the Messenger of Allah. From us, you consent to the imamate beyat signifies your acceptance of the word, and you want to show. What do you think? All that is in there, crying out: Heart and soul, accept Start and they have beyat Hz.İmâm Hasan. Hz.İmâm Hasan, was soon beyat thirty thousand mujahideen. Judge hearing them Muawiyah in Damascus, was shaken. Sixty million people marched to conquer Iraq, a soldier. Hasan Hz.İmâm to meet him with forty thousand Mujahideen came out of Kufa. Hasan Hz.İmâm very hour of thought as follows: I have to put in hatred of my own will. And no one would fight to reign in the world. Muawiyah in Damascus, as the governor of Basra and Kufa is sent to a man, began to provoke the people against Hasan Hz.İmâm. Then, by keeping these men were killed. Hz.İmâm Hasans army, to themselves and Ahl al-Bayt that was less than the devoted ones. This is what happened in the community, to achieve some worldly uğraşmadaydı, some are skeptical, who did not know it would be used, while some of them what the wind blows, leaning on the other side, some of them were filled with the Kharijites beliefs. Because the separation of Islam has fallen, contrary, the fact that opposing views, unity kalmayışı, weakened the power of money and wealth, rule of faith. In this environment, Muawiyah, Hasan Hz.İmâm not idle even for a moment to introduce discord among fans and constantly sending guys, this separation of such contravention; reyle, compared deepens, more and more aggravated expanding. By Muawiyah these guys, by promise, money, and certain people are hunting Hz.İmâm threat Hasan man trying to allocate. This is after the events experienced Hz.İmâm Hasan: O Iraqis! Fear Allah for what you do to us, and we, you and emiriniziz, as guest. About God «O Ahl al-Bayt God, you sin, you removed all the evils of all kinds of injuries, and to cleanse immaculate and pure ripeness üzre murad will make. (Ahzab 33.âyet) commanded kerîmesinde verse-i; « Ahl al-Bayt »us. says the mosque there was no one cried, but the tears what remedy, what the enemy is defeated, nor was none. Muawiya the governor of Damascus, in this environment have offered to compromise Hz.İmâm Hasan. Men on top of that he had addressed to Hasan Hz.İmâm: We Şamlılarla a doubt, as savaşmadığımız on, because savaştığımızdan duymamaktayız a contrite. With them in peace, patiently fought. But now the well-being, hostility turned into the panic patience, confusion. You go Sıffıyne of religion, in front of your world; (uymuştunuz your religion, your world threw ardınıza.) Is now in such a state of the world, in front of your religion. Hear, verily, we are with you, we are still somehow previously, but you do not like it used against us. Hear, you know that, and you, who died in the midst of two companies; Sıffiynde crying slain. Nehrevanda öclerini would get killed. The remaining defeated, LLU-alone, hor-despised; crying, passion for passion to get revenge. Muawiyah, a job that calls us that, there is a tenth of what a elevation, what a justice. Getting risking death, to reject the offer, if you want to live, lets face; Which are willing to know. Hasan Hz.İmâm after the homily, all while facing the community bağrışarak, to live, compromise declared the buyer. Hz.İmâm Hasan, on top of that, By God, buyurmuşlardı, I do it, I would not have delivered Muawiyah, but I could not find help. If we had to help, at night I fight with him, day in and day as well, at the end of God, between me and him dominate. Hasan Hz.İmâm experienced after these events, not seeing virtues of the people of Kufa, Peace, above all, is better, saying, the governor of Damascus by Muawiya, he agrees to the terms of the proposed settlement agreement under certain conditions and with Muawiyah had to do. Hz.İmâm between Hasan and Muawiyah the governor of Damascus covenant made Hijrah 41.yılında conditions were as follows: 1 People, the Book of Allah, Resûlünün be managed in accordance with the Sunnah. 2 See Hz.Ali Şîasından, bulunulmaması evil in any way. 3 Hz.Ali bad word to say that either. 4 The beneficiaries of those killed in wars of Jamal and Sıffiyn adopted children, pay tribute to the given goods. 5 Muawiyah, after him, rather than someone not do chalif. Muawiyah, the parties and the witnesses who signed the written agreement Nuhayleye then went to read the sermon there; I am, he said, Hasan and agreed that by promising to comply with certain conditions, but the conditions under my feet at all, will not drop any of them instead, he said. And he said he did. None of Muawiyah refused to honor terms of reconciliation. Read more Kûfedeyken sermon, How to Build scaffolding collapses after, I broke down in terms of peace, he said. Muawiyah, even masjids Hz.Ali to bad words Makes. Even in Medina Masjid al-Nabawi (the Prophets mosque), the objections of the Companions and the mother of the believers Umm Salama personally come to the parliament; Muawiyah in his face; Hz.Ali jamb to the Prophet . Messenger of Allah-u will sövmüş Ekrem, Ekrem Hz.Resûl-third of the jamb, God sövmüş bulunacağına circle hadith say you, despite the stubbornness insisted. This is the worst menstruation, the Umayyads ruled that continued for 80 years and ended the reign of the Umayyad Caliphate of Omar bin Abdülazizin. Hz.İmâm Hasan made peace with Muawiya the Ahl al-Bayt and when he returned to Medina, hostility, those who fell assumption will be driven corruption, Hz.İmâm s, and to eliminate some of the fesâdçıları provoked Hz.İmâm The relatives of the thirty-eight believers in Basra, öldürtüp any crime committed with an excuse. At the end of Muawiyah, the wife of Marwan Hassan Hz.İmâm cade through the sending of a notice, Hz.İmâm then the case that the poison killed, he would take his son Yazid, and promised to give money thousand dirhams. Cade unfaithful; Hz.İmâm on these words to refer to Hasan, Marwan toxic honey by stirring Hz.İmâm that day to offered. Ill after eating toxic honey and Hz.Resûlullah Hz.İmâm its healed by praying to go to the tomb. Cade, then an opportunity to find Hz.İmâm a, this time offered dates are poisonous. Hz.İmâm Hasan, nothing toxic düşünmeyip temperament hurmalardan eaten and still not working. On top of that Hz.İmâm Hasan, Cade asked: O Cade, I look this hurmayla changed. Why have you come? Cade, kind of apologizing Hz.İmâm s would have suspected. Hz.İmâm Hasan, the hospital is unhappy Hz.Resûlullah s tomb gradually healed again. Cade, a chance finding it in the end, the end of Expedition 28 Hasan Hz.İmâm going to sneak in on a Friday night at his home; Hz.İmâms, the diamond particles in the water drinking test by pouring water into a toxic mess. And again, secretly returned to his home. Hz.İmâm Hasan, the pitcher of poisoned drinking water, 49 of the Hegira year (Christian era 669) 28 of Safer Medina Hakka gained on the night. Hz.İmâm Hasan, Hakka kavuştuklarında was 47 years old. Hz.İmâm Hasan before he became Hakka, Hz.İmâm Hussein, who did the job I was asked to them. Hz.İmâm Hasan: O my dear brother. You know what I know, but it did refer to God and He did not say anything, and does not stay with the children back to worship vasiyyet have said to his Companions. Vasiyyet later by his brother Hassan Hussein Hz.İmâm Hz.İmâm; Imamate relics handed over and the ancestors Hz.Resûlullah s next defnedilmelerini, but it is found in those who hold it, war, bloodshed girişilmemesini, maintenance, were taken to the cemetery command. Hasan Hz.İmâm the Imamate, his brother Hussein was transferred Hz.İmâm. And Allah knows best. A portion of Vecîzelerinin Peace is better everything. I have to put in hatred of my own will, and no one would fight to reign in the world. We are guardians of the treasure of wisdom and guardianship şehsüvarlarıyız square. We think your opinion is not known knowns. Recognize that we have our secrets, you are far from idrâkınızdan. Residents of the provisions of the Sharia on the verge of O, O worshiper and mind ready for cleaning the square include: Hz.Mustafa I am the son of the harbingers of that religion. Ummah of Muhammad the son of God must be telling me. Prophecy of the heir to the throne sultanate, in lieu of guardianship judge my property, that the religion of ancestor invited you. My father eriştirdi happiness you find the right path. You are invited to be on their way now, and I know this is true, I adhere to comply with them. Put it to me to put against them....
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 10:20:27 +0000

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