Ahnenerbe...Antarctica...and the Hollow - TopicsExpress


Ahnenerbe...Antarctica...and the Hollow Earth: ancientscienceartifacts.org/?p=431 {German science and the Reich government place great hopes on the outcome of the German expedition to Antarctica. According to the available information, circulated among leading German scientists and some of it published in the press, and as stated previously, an expedition to Antarctica with a large budget was organized, consisting of 1,000 people. Interestingly, the ship that was sent to Antarctica was named “SCHWABENLAND”, the same name as the name of the territory Gunther showed me on the map. I examined the map with Gunther’s notes in detail and have composed an identical one. Also, I received a number of photographs of a ship with the mentioned name in the port of Hamburg. The images are attached to this report. Richter was appointed as the head of that expedition. At the same time, a special “convoy” is being organized in Berlin, which will ensure uninterrupted communication between ships from the boarders of the Reich to Antarctica in the area of Queen Maud Land. The head of the mission is captain Graf Von Luckner, whose photograph is attached. Among the well-known German scientists, working in this area are: Ernst Rudin; Paul Schultze-Naumburg; Richard Walther Darre; Otto Rehe; Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss; Karl Astel; William Grott; Each of them is known for their work in the area of racial hygiene and human biology. These scientists are active members of the “SS” and part of a special bureau named “AHNENERBE”, which in translation from German means “heritage”. Not in the sense of inheriting, but as heritage of ancient civilizations. The headquarters of the bureau is located in Bavaria, in a villa of Waischenfeld. There is a similar villa with a large library in Berlin. The bureau operates under the personal patronage of the reichsfuhrer “SS” Heinrich Himmler. [p.3] I am convinced that, in talking with me, Gunther tried to steer me towards the need of similar research to be carried out by the Soviet side within the framework of the existing agreement. Gunther knows that, in 1925, similar research was carried out by Yakov Bliumkin, who was shot in 1929 for espionage in favour of the German intelligence service. The results of the research Blyumkin carried out in Tibet are similar to the results obtained by the German experts, and he, Gunther, was at a loss as to why Soviet scientists and experts did not research this area.} 20th Century Race For Tibet’s Ancient Knowledge Reveals Hollow Earth With Inner Sun: Recently, we translated part of a report that summarized the outcomes of the Soviet expedition to Tibet in 1925. The document revealed that Tibet’s knowledge of ancient technologies was of interest to USSR. It also provided some details about ancient civilizations and reasons behind their demise. In particular, it discussed a powerful ancient weapon named “Vajra”, which was also used as a tool in megalithic construction. We called that document “the Blyumkin report” as it detailed the evidence presented by the head of the expedition Yakov Blyumkin. However, it was prepared on the basis of Blyumkin’s findings rather than by Blyumkin himself. It was a summary of Blyumkin’s reports composed and signed by the chief of the 5th division of RUGB NKVD Dekanozov on January 16, 1939, ten years after Blyumkin’s execution. The “Savel’ev report” we present here helps to understand why Blyumkin’s expedition to Tibet was seriously re-examined by the Soviet authorities 14 years after it had taken place. Blyumkin was executed in 1929, allegedly for divulging information he had obtained in Tibet to the Germans [see Blyumkin Trial]. Consequently, the Germans took the lead in gaining access to Tibet’s ancient knowledge. Savel’ev, who travelled to Germany in 1938 to collect intelligence on the matter, wrote a report about his findings on January 10, 1939 [see translation bellow]. He indicated that the Germans, in contrast to the Soviet authorities, had taken Blyumkin’s report very seriously and their own expedition to Tibet produced a wealth of knowledge immediately applicable in science, industry and, most of all, military development. Indeed, the Germans rapidly advanced in nuclear physics to develop a weapon capable of destroying whole cities in a matter of seconds. Thus, it was decided to organize a new Soviet expedition to Tibet under the leadership of Savel’ev. Blyumkin’s findings were to become an integral part of planning for Savel’ev’s expedition. Thus, Blyumkin was vindicated by the astonishing information Savel’ev collected from the Germans in the late 1930s. Being larger and more comprehensive in scope, the body of knowledge the Germans had managed to secure in Tibet not only confirmed the veracity of Blyumkin’s reports but also complemented it with important new information. Savel’ev used both to prepare his own expedition and was given extensive powers to succeed. Note that Dekanozov re-evaluated Blyumkin’s findings and made detailed recommendations regarding Savel’ev’s expedition only 6 days after Savel’ev submitted his German intelligence report. This conveys a great sense of urgency. Here is what Dekanozov wrote: The information communicated by comrade Savel’ev upon his return from Germany coincides completely with what was communicated by Blyumkin in his reports. While planning a new expedition, I find it reasonable to make it official and entrust Savel’ev with necessary powers and delegate [p.5] him enough authority, so that he could discuss on behalf of the Soviet Government any issues, including military and political, with the Tibetan authorities. [p.6] As mentioned above, Savel’ev reported his intelligence findings on January 10, 1939. It challenges the existing state of affairs by introducing the Soviet authorities to new scientific knowledge regarding the structure of our planet, the principles of electromagnetism, and the theory of a “Hollow Earth” with an “inner sun”, which the Germans learned in Tibet. His statements accurately corroborate Blyumkin’s revelations regarding the ancients’ ability to cut through rock and transport it in midair over vast distances. Furthermore, he speaks of the German expeditions to Antarctica’s Queen Maud Land and their establishment of a base in the area of Schwabenland. Apparently, to gain access to Agarta. The conditions of the spiritual knowledge, necessary for entering the inner earth are also mentioned. Finally, the report deals with other topics that preoccupied Nazi Germany at the time, such as “racial hygiene”, “origins of the aryan race”, racial differences, ability to use human odour to identify and manipulate respective human beings at a distance. All of these areas were the focus of Ahnenerbe’s research. Subsequently, some of Ahnenerbe’s materials came into the possession of the Soviet authorities during or immediately after WWII and were further examined by Soviet researchers. Saveliev’s report, as well as Dekanozov’s summary of Blyumkin’s expedition to Tibet in 1925 and other materials related to Blyumkin’s trial and execution, were published by RUFORS and the digital copy is located in its archive. However, the original document contains 4 pages and we worked with the scanned copies of pages 1, 2 and 4, with page 3 available in a transcribed, textual format. In spite of our extensive efforts to locate a proper copy of the original third page of this document, we were unable to find it. Therefore, we are compelled to present its content with a disclaimer: its content with a disclaimer. [p.1.] To the first deputy of the People’s Commissar of Interior Affairs of the USSR Comrade Merkulov V. N. I report on the subject of the Reich mission: The German experts have advanced in the area of studying hidden possibilities of the human body, as well as in the area of so called “racial hygiene”, biology and racial “engineering”. The well-known scientist of the Reich in this area, Werner Girke, with whom I have had several lengthy conversations, introduced me to the now world-renowned German scientist Hans Gunther. Gunther related that today, in the majority of “research areas”, the most careful attention of the research activity of leading scientists of the Reich is directed towards Tibet. According to Gunther, in Tibet the German scientists and researchers were able to get answers to the majority of questions in their “research areas”, related to the origins of the “aryan” race and the history of the universe. They obtained information immediately applicable in the Reich’s industry, science and aircraft building. The point is about a previously unknown technology of ancient civilizations, which in 10,000 BC, for example, when used in construction, allowed for the cutting of hard rock and its transportation over vast distances. According to Gunther, a German group of researchers is working in Tibet at the moment. The results of one of the previous missions to Tibet made it possible to organize a German scientific expedition to Antarctica in December 1938. The objective of that expedition was to locate the so called “city of gods”, which is hidden under the ice of Antarctica in the area of Queen Maud Land. Karte-NSL1m9 сканирование0014общий снимок всех картmap _ 4 Gunther told me that, in principle, modern science does not have sufficient understanding about the structure of Earth. The available knowledge is contradictory and inadequate given that, according to the German scientists and researchers, Earth is hollow inside. The meaning of the expression “Earth sphere [geo-sphere]” must be understood literally, as inside Earth one can find the same mountains, continents, rivers and lakes with a milder climate and conditions for human life. [p.2] Gunther showed me a cross section image of Earth and explained that passages leading to the underworld have existed since ancient times and Tibet holds detailed knowledge about their location on the outer surface. To get into the cavern of Earth, one must have special “keys” and be initiated. The procedure is carried out in Tibet. German science and the Reich government place great hopes on the outcome of the German expedition to Antarctica. According to the available information, circulated among leading German scientists and some of it published in the press, and as stated previously, an expedition to Antarctica with a large budget was organized, consisting of 1,000 people. Interestingly, the ship that was sent to Antarctica was named “SCHWAB ENLAND”, the same name as the name of the territory Gunther showed me on the map. I examined the map with Gunther’s notes in detail and have composed an identical one. Also, I received a number of photographs of a ship with the mentioned name in the port of Hamburg. The images are attached to this report. Richter was appointed as the head of that expedition. At the same time, a special “convoy” is being organized in Berlin, which will ensure uninterrupted communication between ships from the boarders of the Reich to Antarctica in the area of Queen Maud Land. The head of the mission is captain Graf Von Luckner, whose photograph is attached. Among the well-known German scientists, working in this area are: Ernst Rudin; Paul Schultze-Naumburg; Richard Walther Darre; Otto Rehe; Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss; Karl Astel; William Grott; Each of them is known for their work in the area of racial hygiene and human biology. These scientists are active members of the “SS” and part of a special bureau named “AHNENERBE”, which in translation from German means “heritage”. Not in the sense of inheriting, but as heritage of ancient civilizations. The headquarters of the bureau is located in Bavaria, in a villa of Waischenfeld. There is a similar villa with a large library in Berlin. The bureau operates under the personal patronage of the reichsfuhrer “SS” Heinrich Himmler. [p.3] I am convinced that, in talking with me, Gunther tried to steer me towards the need of similar research to be carried out by the Soviet side within the framework of the existing agreement. Gunther knows that, in 1925, similar research was carried out by Yakov Bliumkin, who was shot in 1929 for espionage in favour of the German intelligence service. The results of the research Blyumkin carried out in Tibet are similar to the results obtained by the German experts, and he, Gunther, was at a loss as to why Soviet scientists and experts did not research this area. It was a pleasant surprise to discover that highly regarded among the scientists of the Reich are the works of the following Soviet scientists: Yu. A. Filipchenko; V. Volodskiy; N. Bekhterev; N. Timofeev-Resovskiy; K. Kol’tsova; Their works are actively promoted by the well-known scientists Alfred Pelts and Vilhelm Schallmayer (German society of racial hygiene). A number of publications by the same institute offer an interesting interpretation regarding the Slavic nations. According to Fritz Lenz (racial hygiene institute), Ukrainians have more Alpine and Dinarian blood. The “Muscovites” – more Nordic and Mongolian. Lenz asserts that, in a racial sense, the Muscovites are closer to the Germanics. According to him, the Ukrainians are short, dark-skinned and with wide heads, displaying no Mongolian traits. The Muscovites are tall, blond, blue-eyed but, percentage-wise, 3 in 10 have a Mongolian shape of nose and eyes, which according to Lenz, has a historical explanation. Moscovia used to be an area of colonization by the Great Kiev Principality, were Finns with a slight nordic mixture lived. Therefore, the vast majority of Great-Russians and Belorussians are of Finnish origins and, as a result, closer to the nordic Germans, whereas the Ukrainians are closer to the southern Germans. Werner Girke shared with me the results of some research in human biology. This practice is used in police work, aiming at controlling the civilian population. There is a certain procedure of obtaining odour from visitors with its subsequent conservation and storage in jars. According to Girke, the human scent is not just a universal means of identification, but also a conduit through which one can control a person, their habits and actions, at a distance. [p.4] A similar breakthrough the scientists of the Reich are experiencing in the area of nuclear physics. According to Girke, in the nearest future the Germans may secure a weapon Gunther told me about, capable of destroying cities in a matter of seconds. Many inputs regarding this weapon the German experts obtained in Tibet. Gunther gave me the working plan of the electromagnetic structure of Earth to study. /Attached to this report with translation/. earth3earth2 According to the German scientists, inside Earth there is an inner Sun, which is rotating clockwise around its own axis while Earth is rotating counterclockwise. The result is something similar to a rotor and a stator, counter-rotating in relation to one another to produce electromagnetic fields internally as well as externally. Modern science has a very scant and mistaken understanding of Earth’s nature of electromagnetism. In the meantime, Girke states that, based on these principles, the German experts are devising entirely new engines to be applied in aviation...contd @ [ancientscienceartifacts.org/?p=431]
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 00:10:28 +0000

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