Aight.....looks like its time for KNOWLEDGE CLASS with Prof. Ken. - TopicsExpress


Aight.....looks like its time for KNOWLEDGE CLASS with Prof. Ken. In light of my earlier post about the Ferguson problem....looks like some things need to be cleared up for some folks. Now before I get to it...let me clarify a few points: 1) i am NOT basing this on HATE 2} i am NOT advocating killin cops 3) all comments are welcome....with RESPECT...B.S. will NOT be tolerated 4) if you choose to engage...then engage with validity and strength Now true....Police in many precincts around the country are abusing their powers in ways to ridiculous to mention. However with that being said.....BLACK MALES ARE currently on the front lines of this problem. NO other racial group has been the recipient of the level of violence that we have. It was stated that this ISNT A WAR ON THE BLACK MALE.....sorry...that is a tad incorrect. And I state that from PERSONAL experience. Do you read about whites or asians being killed? The ONLY other group that has had this kind of violence directed at them for these OFFICERS OF THE LAW (the BAD ones)....are Hispanic males. This ties into the history of this country. Those with power tend to over step their bounds when dealing with those they see as BENEATH them. Black Males have ALWAYS been seen as a threat.....from Slavery Times till now. Now if you LOOK at this country....and by LOOK i mean MORE than just a SMALL BUBBLE known as your will see this. YEAH...theres MORE blacks killing blacks....its fine to bring that up....THAT is being addressed.....those that argue against the fact of the Black Community becoming enraged at interracial violence: 1) havent experienced it or seen its not there 2) only choose to acknowledge LIMITED points on the problem. Remember this....for the doubters....MANY are addressing the problems withing our community. However...NO ONE is SERIOUSLY trying to put a damper on this excessive brutality from those with a piece of metal on their chests and a chip on their shoulders. Now i DO know a FEW GOOD friend and fellow TECHNICIAN Jujuan Sandifer being a PRIME example of what it means to SERVE & PROTECT! We ALL either are related to or know in some way shape or form a GOOD COP. The issue is that the 1-5% of the BAD COPS are causing say 90% of the problems. *DONT quote my just making a point*. Thats where the lies.. ...with those that turn SERVE & PROTECT into KILL & DEFLECT. FINALLY....for those who tend to think that I need to GET OVER the BLACK/WHITE thing...know this...i DONT see color in that multi-racial children DONT see color in that way. This is not a cop out....rant....or HATE message....this is me ENLIGHTENING those that....due to personal ignorance or denial DONT see these things. The ONLY TRUE WAY for ppl to learn is to be exposed...being sheltered will not help. Many of us look past the surface...but the reality of the world is such that MAN will NEVER be truly FREE of that particular stigma. I speak on these things because I have experienced these things FIRST has MY FATHER...and HIS before him. My point too is that if youve NEVER dealt with CANNOT say it ISNT a problem. SO...while many of you are screamin F*** Obama...F*** D.C. and any OTHER anti-govt. slogans. Or even those who expect a MIRACLE in terms of some ALL POWERFUL LEADER in the BLACK COMMUNITY...remember....the BIGGEST problems...are in our own BACK YARDS. Our own cities...our own states Do as I MANY do....teach your children...let them learn.....but DONT deny REALITY as its happening. Work towards a path that will make things better...and it WILL COME....but when you do #GOHARDORGOHOME #DROPSMICBUTSTAYSONSTAGETOANSWERSTUDENTQUESTIONS
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 01:11:45 +0000

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