Ailing Taraba Governor Suntai, unclear, unsteady in manipulated - TopicsExpress


Ailing Taraba Governor Suntai, unclear, unsteady in manipulated video Sani Tukur - 5 hours ago NATIONAL, NEWS Below is what appears a manipulated video of ailing Taraba state governor, Danbaba Suntai, purportedly making a broadcast to the people of the state. It was broadcast by the Taraba State Broadcasting Corporation on Wednesday night. Although the video, uploaded to YouTube by news website, SaharaReporters, was shot and carefully edited to hoodwink the people of the state and Nigerians that Mr. Suntai was fit enough to govern, the clip ended up portraying the ailing governor as still gravely sick. His speech appeared shaky and unclear, and he seemed to suffer discomfort during the less than one-minute speech. He does not appear fit to govern. Critics have accused the governor’s family, led by his wife, and associates of attempting to foist a critically ill governor on the state so they can usurp his powers. “Whereas we sympathize with the Suntais and the entire people of Taraba State over this unfortunate incident and sincerely wish the ailing Governor full recovery, we however condemn unequivocally the attempt by some political vultures within and outside the State who are bent on holding a whole State to ransom and make effective governance once again unrealistic,” a network of civil society groups said on Tuesday. “These charlatans have desperately kept trying to cling to political power and by extension the resources of Taraba State through series of craftily woven plots of deceits, meant to hoodwink the Nigeria public in a manner similar to the unfortunate Turai-Yar’adua saga.” Events since Monday appeared to give strength to that concern as the critically ill governor issued an immediate notification to the House of Assembly signaling his preparedness to resume work. Then, while lawmakers insisted he addressed them before approving his letter, the governor, on Wednesday, announced the dissolution of the cabinet and named a new secretary to the state government. The governor named the outgoing commissioner for Justice, Timothy Kataps, as the news SSG, and Aminu Jika as the new Chief of Staff. But the acting governor, Mr. Umar, dismissed the order as null and void, and laid claim to the office hours later.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 12:09:40 +0000

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