Aipgmee Counselling AID Guys in light of recent events and lots of - TopicsExpress


Aipgmee Counselling AID Guys in light of recent events and lots of confusion over how to stop blocking in 3rd round, i think i may have a solution to what we should plea in our next and perhaps our most important hearing. Kindly see these points and feel free to correct me :- 1)MCIS proposal of debarrment from giving aipg for 3 years - well this is completely useless as all of us have already agreed because the person getting debarred is not going to appear again anyhow...he will take up a state seat this year strict no to this proposal. 2)Penalty Bond for Non joiners and Resigners after 3rd round - this is a tricky one as many of us thought at first this will be a major deterrant to blockers. But sadly its not going to prevent blocking for the simple reason that the bond cannot in any possible way be implemented on a non- joiner.Think about it, A bond is only legally valid when it is signed on an official original document by the candidate in person, and signing a bond is not possible online, i hope that makes things penalty is no good too! 3) Offline 3rd round - According to most people including myself, this is by far the surest means of preventing blocking and seat transfer, and i know you will agree to this. The only problem with this as you guys already said...its not feasible and the court might not grant us this. 4) 4th round of AIPG counseling - If our plea for offline 3rd gets rejected, i propose that the 4th round of aipg should be done after all states 3rd round, and the only people eligible for filling up options should be those who have never resigned from all all india seat. This was the scenario which was done last year. 5) Worst case scenario, if the court doesnt not agree even for 4th counseling, we can still ask for reversal of 3rd round, that means state 3rd round to be conducted before all india 3rd and after that states can do whatever they wish to, we dont care much about that. So i hope you guys go over this as it effectively sums up all the queries and confusions all of us had been having since the past week...and i just suggested this as i feel its the duty of everyone on this page to help you guys out in wotever possible way we can...kindly read and Reply, Thank you.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 05:03:43 +0000

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