Airport and Flight Etiquette! 21. August 2013 · Write a comment - TopicsExpress


Airport and Flight Etiquette! 21. August 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Useful Information/ Tips · Tags: Airport, flight, Holiday, tips, Travel Share Dress comfortably and respectfully. It’s important to first dress comfortably. Many of the flights are long; you want to dress in something suitable to wear for many hours. An airport is a relaxed environment to some; however an airport is a stressful environment to others. Respect others travellers while you’re there, don’t wear something you’re aware people will take offence to, dress appropriately. Phone Calls When taking phone calls be private with your conversation. If need be, find a private part of the airport to have a conversation. Loud conversations in highly populated areas of the airport could be considered disrespectful. Passengers don’t want to know your business and listen to your conversation. If the conversation is inappropriate people may take offence. On the plane if you need to call a loved one before the flight takes off make it brief other passengers could be easily aggravated by a long conversation before take-off. Be patient Patience is a virtue, wait for your zone to be called. Consider that everyone else has a period where they have waited. People will be suspicious of someone who is acting restless and impatient. Passengers are very observant at airports, it’s important not to give off any negative energy. Boarding the plane It’s easy to see why many people feel anxious when they board, the wait prior can be very long and daunting. Some passengers rush to get to their seats and load their hand luggage. It’s important not to fall into the urge of rushing, take things easy, and walk at your own pace. Respect others boarding, don’t try to push in front of other passengers. The same applies when existing the plane allow those in front of you to exist the plane first. Aisle seats and aisle walking Passengers sitting on aisle should be cautious of placing their feet on the aisle walk way. It’s understandable why people do so, it provides them with extra leg room however consider those who walk through the aisle people can easily trip and cause accidents. Also when deciding to leave your seat look to see if anyone is a walking towards you on the aisle, be considerate let them pass before walking down. Sitting on a plane Armrest is a popular of arguments on the plane. It’s believed that the middle passenger has priority in using the two middle armrests. The aisle passenger should use the right armrest and the window passenger should use the left arm rest. When attempting to recline your seat make sure you consider the person who is sitting behind you, be respectful, reclining too for back can make the person behind you uncomfortable. Remember that the passenger behind you is possibly using the tray attach to the back of your seat to eat or to use an electronic device. Help where you can As we all know the flight process is stressful some people are better at dealing with the stress than others. Help someone who is struggling, you can do this by helping the them get their hand luggage from the overhead storage compartment or simply letting people go ahead of you when existing the plane. Anyone you see having a hard time on the flight, encourage them and reassure them that things are ok. blog.excess-baggage/2013/08/21/airport-and-flight-etiquette/
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 03:35:46 +0000

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