Aki Allam, here is a comment of an American on Reuters, it - TopicsExpress


Aki Allam, here is a comment of an American on Reuters, it summarize the true feelings of the street here in the US, well worth reading: “The big problem with the Muslim Brotherhood is that they’re of the opinion that God is on their side, and ONLY on their side. Therefore, everything they do is in God’s name and no matter how horrific the act, it is justified because they believe in God. “Torture, rape, murder, arson, engineering the slaughter of their own followers, EVERYTHING is justified, because they have a holy cause.” “Burns0011″ is 100 % absolutely correct in his pointed description of what is taking place in Egypt. The many groups, world wide, including numerous so-called “Human Rights” groups, as well as so-called “World Leaders” and other talking heads who love to chatter away as if they were the world’s self appointed oracles of wisdom, all share one key malady in common. They can only see the world and situations in the world, in the most simplistic, Black and White, terms. Any ability to see complex nuances in fast changing and often violent and confusing events is beyond their reach of human understanding. It is a breath of fresh air that the relatively quite young, and extremely perceptive, Mahmoud Badr, “the activist whose petition campaign helped to bring down Egypt’s Islamist president”, sees the situation in Egypt far more clearly than so many of the “talking heads” around the world who were so fast to condemn the Army’s actions as “deplorable”, to quote a word used by one of the most outspoken and famous “talking heads” of them all. Interestingly, many nations, never hesitate to employ mega degrees of violence, (Vietnam, Iraq, et al), when they don’t like the direction political events are taking in other nations around the world. But when someone else, in this case, the Egyptian Army, is literally compelled to take lethal action to prevent a far worse situation from unfolding in the near future, then all the “talking heads” can’t open their laptops fast enough to rein condemnation down on the heads of others. The Muslim Brotherhood was clearly taking Egypt in a direction that millions of Egyptians did not want it to go. It is not even relevant if the Muslim Brotherhood represented the majority or the minority of all Egyptians. If the majority of all Americans suddenly wanted to bring back the age of “Slavery”, and make slavery legal, would that mean, the minority of Americans opposing turning back the clock, must accept such a barbaric decision because it was the majority opinion. Certain aspects of what is acceptable or not acceptable via a “Democratic” process also require employing a healthy dose of plain old common sense. The Muslim Brotherhood was and still is, clearly intent on transforming the most populous Arab nation, amounting to 85,000,000 people into a State ruled by the concepts of Sharia Law including all the...... (some offensive stuff I took out) It is most telling that the young people of Egypt understand far better than most outsiders, that Egypt was in danger of being dragged back into the Middle Ages, or better said the darkest of Dark Ages if the Muslim Brotherhood was not removed from power at the earliest possible opportunity. During WW II, at a certain point in time, some of the highest ranking Nazi Officers of the Third Reich, began to see the handwriting on the wall, that Hitler’s policies were clearly going to bring total destruction down upon the heads of the German people. They attempted a desperate “coup” that failed and over one thousand German Officers were arrested, tortured and summarily executed. And Hitler proceeded to drag Germany down into the very deepest bowels of Hell. Had the “coup” succeeded, those German Army Officers would have gone down in the annals of history as true Heroes. The Egyptian Army, while so derided and condemned by the “talking heads” has clearly stepped forward at a critical moment in Egypt’s history to prevent the nation from being dragged back into the Dark Ages, something a country with 85,000,000 people, and thousands of serious problems, both economic and social, could not afford to see happen. “For the next few weeks, Badr predicted “more violence and possible political assassinations” but added: “We will win over terrorism and civil war eventually.” Let us hope, for the sake of the most populous Arab nation, this young man is correct. But it will not be with any thanks to all the world’s countless mealy-mouthed, hypocritical, double talking, opportunistic politicians, who could not on their own, even escape from a simple paper bag, if their lives depended upon it. 27 minutes ago · Like.. Akram Allam love it and will share about a minute ago · Like..
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 23:42:52 +0000

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