Akpos and teacher in battle. Read and enjoy. Teacher: the - TopicsExpress


Akpos and teacher in battle. Read and enjoy. Teacher: the brother to your fathers brother is whom to you? Akpos: my assistant father. Teacher: you are dumb, he is the same thing as your uncle. Akpos: ma can I ask a question? Teacher: you are free to ask? Akpos: if a cock lays an egg, and the egg fell on the ground immediately, will the egg crack? Teacher: it will not crack because the egg is still hot. Akpos: you are dumb. Teacher: what! How do you mean? Akpos: because cock doesnt lay egg but only fowl. Lolzzz Between akpos and the teacher who is wiser? Akpos was abducted by kidnappers and taken to an unknown location. The kidnappers beat him for a while and asked him, “Which of your family members should we call to pay the ransom.” A surprised Akpos replied: “I don’t have a family now. All my family members ran away after I was suddenly bugged down with fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. This was followed by vomiting, diarrhoea, rash… Akpos did not even finish speaking before all the kidnappers jumped out of windows and fled. Lolsssssssssssss this is to inform you that we now have a joke page where we post joke 24 hours non stop .. Click here to like the page and keep laughing all day.. Just click on this blue colour Im Proud to Be an Africanand keep enjoying joke all day
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:45:25 +0000

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