Akwa Ibom Charter of Equity: Putting the Records Straight. “I - TopicsExpress


Akwa Ibom Charter of Equity: Putting the Records Straight. “I always believe that ultimately, if people are paying attention, then we get good government and good leadership. And when we get lazy, as a democracy and civically start taking shortcuts, then it results in bad government and politics.” In spite of very sincere and earnest efforts, only a very few people are able to earn good reputation in politics. The perennial problems concerning international matters, national problems and state affairs are hard to be solved with a magic wand. The work of the political activist inevitably involves a certain tension between the requirement that position be taken on current issues as they arise and the desire that ones contributions will somehow survive the ravages of time. There comes a time in the history of a people that certain events help to shape their destiny. At every epoch, men and circumstances collide to create a dramatic episode that will alter the course of history. As the 29th November, 2014, Peoples Democratic Party PDP, guber primaries approaches, there is palpable anxiety and excitement among the indigenes of Eket Senatorial District as the people who claimed have been wickedly neglected, abused and disenfranchised over the years as far as Akwa Ibom State politics is concerned they have suddenly woken up to the stark reality that politics and politicking is purely interest based-personal or collective, and those who are ready at any point in time took it either by force or treachery. Im not an old, experienced hand at politics. But I am now seasoned enough to have learned that the hardest thing about any political campaign is how to win without proving that you are unworthy of winning. Already different groups, organizations and individuals home and Abroad, have painstakingly but elaborately prepared their dance groups, guns, bands and timbers awaiting the all-important guber primary of the largest and best organized political party in Africa. From the Udom is Right Southern Africa – a socio cultural and political group, ACA, the Akwa Ibom people in Southern Africa, Udom 4 real SA, Offot Youth network, Obio Offot Equity Group and many such organizations and groups, the present political dispensation has presented to Eket Senatorial district people the great opportunity of a life time to see one of their illustrious son in the saddle of Akwa Ibom State. For the people who has never produced a governor since the creation of Akwa Ibom State in 1987, this opportunity of a life time to produce a governor of Akwa Ibom State is not to be toiled with and so the apprehension, tension and excitement heightens. And rightly so. To be honest, Eket Senatorial District is one of the largest senatorial district in Akwa Ibom State and one of the largest in Nigeria, and has been playing a vital and important role in Akwa Ibom Politics and economically in exploiting her natural and human potentials to better their individual enclaves. History, justice, fairplay and equity are on the side of this people as they rightfully demand for the right to produce the next governor of the state having presented a credible candidate with high level of administrative acumen, an unquantifiable pedigree in performance in previous assignments and who have the intellectual capacity, comportment and mass appeal to emerge victorious, in the person of (Obong) Udom Emmanuel, a Banker and former Secretary to the state Government. This humble Deacon of Qua Iboe Church, who was also the former Director of Zenith Bank plc is arguably the most qualified of all the plethora of aspirants for the Hilltop Mansion seat, a credit to Onna People for presenting this International Banker who has not only shown the dexterity, commitment and unparralled patriotism in his aspiration, but has demystified the concept of participatory politics and elevated politics to the intellectual realm with his brand of politicking. No wonder, Akwa Ibomites from all shades of life, opinion and persuasion – the church, clergy, the students, the youths, women groups and the traditional institution are rooting for him and praying that the PDP will do something different this time around by fielding a person with known track records of performance, someone whose identity and antecedents are known not only in Nigeria but all over the world, someone who has a milk of kindness, a humble person, a person with an intellectual and professional background, a person who will bridge the increasing dichotomy between the poor and the rich and ensure equity and good neighborliness among the three senatorial zones of the state. Akwa Ibomites are praying for someone who will bring peace, restore sanity to the polity and motivate the citizens to play their role in the participatory politics of modern democracy. This is what Eket Senatorial District has presented to Akwa Ibom people and there could not be a better choice. Eket Senatorial District has presented to Akwa Ibom State a man with an impeccable record in both academic and administrative fields of endeavours. I think Akwa Ibomites are trained at a young age to fully inhale the system, the rhetoric and ideologies surrounding democracy, capitalism, religion, family life...If the wizard is exposed, and we realize we’ve been lied to, it’s frightening, like political vertigo or instantaneous sobriety. After all, once you’ve seen the light, there’s no going back and, at that point, whether you like it or not, you are accountable to truth and responsible for creating change. Power must be in the hands of the wealth of the state, those who have sympathy for property owners and their rights, and who understand that the fundamental task of the government is to protect the minority opulent from the majority. Eket Senatorial District has presented to the conscience of the people a humble man, a papal banker of the year award winner, an Agro-Allied Economists Group member who were saddled with the responsibility of building internationally accepted Agro –Allied concerns across the globe through World Bank initiative of eradication of food shortages in the world. Eket has presented the best among the best and are waiting for the response of other citizens. But this time, there are no excuses, no reasons for denying them this deserved, long awaited and eagerly cherished opportunity to be counted among the people of Akwa Ibom State. Akwa Ibom people owe Eket this debt. To compensate for all the years of neglect, marginalization, exploitation and brutal denial of their rights and privileges and indigenes of the state. Eket deserves this token of appreciation for her contributions to the stability of Akwa Ibom State and her Economy. Akwa Ibomites must not deny them of this opportunity. For doing so will create a wound that will be difficult to heal. It will create in the people a sense of loss, of rejection and of perpetual condemnation. But should the PDP do the right thing by fielding (Obong) Udom Emmanuel as their gubernatorial candidate, Akwa Ibom people will erupt with joy. There will be a volcanic eruption, the one that happened when Barrack Obama, an African-American was elected by the Social Democrats in the USA. Of course, the revolution swept the Republicans away. It will be like when late Dr. Nelson Mandela was selected by the African National Congress, ANC, as their Presidential candidate. And the result was an emphatic victory. Should the PDP, for once, forget the traders, in politics, business moguls and “Iron must obey” politicians and select the people’s choice, what happened in America and South Africa will be a child’s play. Akwa Ibom people are waiting. The church is waiting. The students and the traditional rulers are all waiting. As Hon. Solomon Udosen puts it, “It will be a revolution in Akwa Ibom State if PDP select (Obong) Udom Emmanuel as their governorship aspirant. Eket will be on fire. The people have already stocked their bars and fridges with drinks waiting for November 29. That day has a lot of meaning for the people of Eket and Akwa Ibom people as a whole. Forget about the so-called endorsements, every Eket son or daughter is’ praying fervently for the emergence of (Obong) Udom Emmanuel. At the primaries, the delegates from Eket Senatorial District will all vote for him because this has become a collective dream and it has become an obsession among the people,” he emphasized. No doubt, November 29, 2014, is pregnant with the expectations of Eket people. The day could turn the people into the happiest people on earth or cast gloom, or a perpetual scar on them. For Awa Iman community, “there are anxiously waiting for the PDP to do the right thing by selecting (Deacon) Udom Emmanuel as their flagbearer. Anything short of that will be calamitous to the people. But I assure them (PDP) that should (Obong) Udom Emmanuel have this opportunity, there will not be any other party in Akwa Ibom State.. Well, will there be hell on earth or songs in Heaven. Either will happen as the people wait with berthed breath what PDP will do. Will the party disappoint the people, their expectations, their hopes and their aspirations, or will the PDP toe the part of equity, justice, modernity and uncommon courage to create a revolution that will sweep off the feet of the Oppositions and Critics. In a democratic government, the government is of the people, for the people and by the people. Udom is the people’s choice! (Akparawa) Itohoimo Udosen Udom is Right Southern Africa +27788744577
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 18:41:58 +0000

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