Akwe sijule bangan sizipholele nabathandiweyo bethu: Most - TopicsExpress


Akwe sijule bangan sizipholele nabathandiweyo bethu: Most People pack up and go when a relationship goes sour. The reason why is that they refuse to take responsibility when theyre wrong or talk to their partner when their partner is wrong. Instead, they confide in other people and that can never lead to anything being solved because when someone doesnt know that theyre doing something wrong, they wont change so learn to communicate. They tend to fall for people who make them laugh all the time and pay compliments to them but the truth is, youre old now and happiness is not the only thing you have to look for in a relationship. Look for someone whos gonna support you, someone who youre gonna cry with, someones whos gonna be there to listen to your bad experiences and situation and be open to you when youre doing something wrong, someone whos gonna always prove to you that they want you after all the arguments and fights. If you really wanna be married one day do you think the jokers are really gonna stay that way? Do you really think they wont have days where theyll make you feel hurt or worthless? Theyre also human, dont forget that. The thing is, marriage is not about calling yourself a husband or a wife, its about being transparent with your partner and him/her being transparent to you as well. A marriage has: ° Disagreements ° Arguments ° Fighting ° Moments where you wont have anything to eat in the cupboard, and instead of looking for someone who has food, rather working hand in hand with your life partner to put food on the table in your household(marital home) ° Building each other up ° Not hiding anything from your partner ° Listening to your partners dislikes and honouring them for the good of the relationship ° Struggling with your partner up until you have everything together, side by side ° Your partner stressing you out, or making you feel worthless as a result of something youd have done wrong but instead of leaving the marriage, learning from your mistakes and communicating together, saying Im sorry, fixing that problem without shifting the blame and never repeating the same mistake again ° No cheating, no disloyalty, no being unfaithful, no being sneaky or comparing your partner ° Being good parents to your kids and leading by example ° Its about saying Id rather have bad times with you, than good times with someone else coz at the end of the day, whats the point of calling it love if youre only there for the happy moments? Remember... Kids look for: Excitement, Compliments, being Pleased and thats what they call happiness or love. Mature people look for: Love, support, being present, loyalty, honesty and appreciating each others imperfections, someone who takes responsibility for their wrongdoings and apologises and doesnt repeat that same thing again, and respect. Its NOT about saying He/She makes me happy, its about saying Baby after all weve been through, through those moments when we seemed to be hopeless with our relationship, Im really glad were still together. I love you. Thank God I found you[Awww maBaby] coz the reason why people remain unhappy is that they give up after every fight in their relationship and go from one partner to another each time and thats not healthy. As the vows say ...in sickness and in health, till death do us part meaning through all our ups and downs, downfalls and uprisings, struggles and victories, sadness and happiness, we shall be together forever. Get those right and youll be ready for marriage OR continue changing boyfriends/girlfriends your whole life, its entirely up to you. Remember: Life can never give you what you want, when you always throw away what you already have Thank you... *Bows Down*
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 11:26:01 +0000

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