Al-Bakistan Times RIOTS STOP AFTER DAWN NEWS APOLOGISES FALSE REPORTING OF BURQA BAN IN INDIA INSTEAD OF CHINA 17/01/2015 Saturday Karachi: Riots and protests were reported across Pakistan following an article in nations leading daily newspaper- the Dawn- which had falsely claimed that Indian state of Gujarat has banned the wearing of burqas. Though the newspaper realised its mistake in less than 3 hours and has apologized for the false reporting, sources told AlBakistan Times. The real news was that it was actually China- not India- who banned wearing the Burqas for its citizens of Xinjiang, where a majority of Muslims reside. Dawn News released an official statement and apologized for the mistake. The false news had sparked outrage & anger across the country, angry mob took to streets and set many vehicles on fire. During the protests yesterday, 90% Hindus of Pakistan are said to have been killed by angry mob. The number of total Hindus killed could be as high as 9. School children were seen conducting the rallies with the placard thanking the Quaid for making Pakistan. So now its proved that the creation of Pakistan was not a mistake, said Sajid from Lahore Public School, The great Quaid had foreseen the future. He knew that Hindus wont let Muslims live peacefully. Look how they are oppressing our Muslim brothers and sisters! We demand India should immediately take the burqa ban off and promise equal treatment for all its Muslim population. First it was France who banned burqa, said Abdul from Multan, and we had protested by taking on the streets. Then it was Canada and Australia, and we protested against them too; and now its India. What do they think of themselves? Do they think we will keep mum over their satanic behavior towards Muslims? Why cant they let our Muslim sisters to practice their personal choice, hain? Soon after Dawn News declared that it made a mistake in reporting the news, and that it was really China who imposed the ban on burqas; and not India, the mob lost their anger and it started to disperse. Oh it was China? asked the same Abdul from Multan, well, its alright then! he seemed happy. When asked why there is no anger against China banning the wearing of burqa, he said, Well I think its their internal matter. Their country their rules! We do not like to interfere in other countries internal matters. China is considered all weather friend of Pakistan. According to Pakistans constitution, it is illegal to express outrage, or protest against China under any circumstances and such a grave crime can lead to the death sentence. Thats why there were no protests against China even after it was learnt that Chinese authorities had banned its Muslims to keep fasts during Ramadan. #Satire
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 04:16:11 +0000

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