Al Metcaf View 7 minutes ago Obama —- the child we elected - TopicsExpress


Al Metcaf View 7 minutes ago Obama —- the child we elected to be our President…. Are 50% of us completely Stupid, evidently…. We take a person, who we know absolutely nothing relevant about, listen to his silly thoughts and can’t wait to vote for him to run our nation. But wait, it gets worse, not only did we not know who this person was, but he, in his wisdom blocked all of his personal records so we could not discover WHO IS WAS AND IS….. And then to add more insult to injury, the Morons within our midst re-elected this clown for another term….. This is what can happen when a thieving populist can buy a high office and that is exactly what has happened….. Can this mess be cleaned up and can we make our Nation whole again…. Yes, we can! But do not expect Congress to be involved because they are part and parcel to the problem. They are letting all of these things happen day after day…. What is the solution? The solution is in our Constitution, and yes, we still have a Constitution, maybe not for long, but today we still have it and Article V is our only answer. This article was placed into the Constitution for exactly the things that are happening today. Article V gives us the American Citizens the right to force Congress to call a Constitutional Convention. This is accomplished by the Legislatures of the Several States demanding the Convention and Congress, once 2/3rds of the States demand, they cannot refuse to call the Convention…. This is where the Citizens of the Several States modify the Constitution and put more safeguards within to keep our Liberty Free and in force…. then 3/4ths of the Several States must ratify all of the changes to the Constitution and give the new Constitution back to the Congress…. And this is now the new LAW OF THE LAND….. THIS IS OUR ONLY OPTION TO FIX OUR NATION WITHOUT BLOOD SHED ….. In the Convention we can reconstitute the Fed to make it conform to the Constitution. We can stop Treaties from ever being counter to our Constitution. We can stop this direct taxing of the Citizens by the Federal Government. We can set all salaries and benefits for elected office with tern limits for all offices. We can strengthen the ‘Bill of Rights’ to stop all encroachment on the public…. Think about what can be made better to safeguard our Liberty and Freedom…… It is time for a Constitutional Convention, for one day the nine stooges will dump our Constitution and then blood will flow in the streets as we fight for our Nation……
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 18:43:01 +0000

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