Al-Shabaka member Saleh Hijazi and advisor Munir Nuseibah - TopicsExpress


Al-Shabaka member Saleh Hijazi and advisor Munir Nuseibah published this op-ed in Washingtons The Hill in August -- -- applauding Palestinian youth who resisted Israels Prawer Plan on July 15 and August 1, who carried signs proclaiming Prawer will not pass across historic Palestine, and who were brutally repressed by Israeli forces and preemptively intercepted by Palestinian authorities in Gaza and Ramallah. The plan by Israel will forcibly expel 40,000 Israeli Bedouin and demolish 40 of their villages. In recent news (see below), these protests will continue on November 30 in Palestine and worldwide. Its a good time to read Hijazis and Nuseibahs op-ed again: They call upon U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to seriously address the significance of these mass demonstrations, and adopt a peace process with a transitional justice framework -- as has been done in other violent conflicts such as South Africa, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Timor-Leste and Colombia -- and does not merely focus upon borders, security and the other issues commonly referred to as “final status” issues. Prawer is known by many other names, in East Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley, Lod and Ramleh, Yaffa and Akko, and the Galilee, write Hijazi and Nuseibah. And it has been lived for decades by the refugees who have never been allowed to return home. #Prawer #PrawerPlan #NonviolentResistance
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 21:06:54 +0000

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