Alas, 2K15.. ITS HERE AND ITS OURS FOR THE TAKING!! Statistics - TopicsExpress


Alas, 2K15.. ITS HERE AND ITS OURS FOR THE TAKING!! Statistics show that most people will have broken their new years resolutions by January 15th (if they made any). Thats not to say we shouldnt make any, the very idea of resolutions evokes for most of us, not excitement, but the promise of new dry and unwelcome habits to stick to. We come up with these habits in an effort to begin with a clean slate in 2015, only to find the pang of depression seep in when the problems we created last year come knocking on the door of the present one.. BUT, our previous issues dont simply evaporate!! Real progress, like success, isnt a clean slate, its messy. Its the untangling of wires that have become twisted and entwined over time. But thats ok, because no matter how tangled they seem, we begin to make progress the moment we just find the end of the wire, and start undoing the chaos. This year doesnt have to start with a bang. It can start with the most modest of actions, which deviate from your normal patterns of behaviour and remind us of our ability to surprise ourselves, even if modestly to BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD!! The point is, it doesnt have to be about doing something extraordinary, if you try and relinquish all your flaws from 2014 - youll actually end up affecting none of them. Instead, it can be a subtle shift in your mindset and behaviours which takes you two millimetres in a different direction. Do that, and by February your destination in 2015 will already begin to look quite different. This is how real and sustainable change is made. So avoid being a superhero in January, be the understated champion of tiny changes and just, start, untangling. To all my Reasons, Seasons, Inspirations, and Lifetimes, i thank you all. Happy New Year :)
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 23:10:49 +0000

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