Albanian areas COME FROM WHICH 39 Albanian Prime Ministers of the - TopicsExpress


Albanian areas COME FROM WHICH 39 Albanian Prime Ministers of the Ottoman Empire? Dec 14, 2014 Albanians ruled the Ottoman Empire as prime ministers, for a period of years to 500 years as ruled the empire. Albanian Prime Ministers gave the Ottomans Anatolia, Constantinople, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Saudi, Syria, Hungary, Crimea, Crete etc. So, the work and mind of Albanians, rose Ottoman Empire. This is a fact accepted by the Turks and historians who study this period of history. During the 18-19 century, there were many Albanians in the range of prime and seen that the empire had terrible slaughter that questioned its existence. Had it not been for some Western countries which wanted to keep the counterweight to Russia, definitely would have fallen. 39 Vizier / Albanian Prime Ottoman Empire and origin of Albanian territories in the Balkans but also other countries of their birth often forgotten and not 1 - Gjedik Ahmet Pasha Prime Minister of the Empire of Albanian origin. He was prime minister in the years 1475-1479. During his government through military fleet, managed to conquer most of Crimea, which blocked the trade route to Europe to the east. Managed to win the war against Venice, imposing a favorable peace treaty, under which the Venetians would pass Ottomans were all Aegean islands except Crete and Corfu and paying an annual tribute empire. In 1478 the Ottoman armies undertook raiding Austrian territories. He refused to participate in the invasion of Shkodra, and therefore was dismissed from the post of prime minister. Premiers were credited to military success, because they were commanders of military operations and respond to the head before the sultan in case of failures. 2 - Daut Pasha According to Sami Frashëri, is of Albanian origin, taken prisoner by the Sultan when he was a child. Thanks to his skills and talent born in the time of Sultan Mehmed II became the Rumelia and Anatolia bejlerbe. In 1483, at the time of Sultan Bayezid, being bejlerbe Anatolia, went to the post of prime minister and managed to steer the important affairs of the Ottoman State. In 1496, he left office, and after two years died. 3 - Haim Ahmet Pasha Prime Albanian origin from 1496 to 1514 years. During his government subjected Herzegovina and took some raiding in Hungary, Austria, Poland. Although it was established peace with Venice, he still had some strategic points which lakmoheshin by the Ottomans, so continued fighting, mainly at sea. Ottoman fleet won a historic victory in the Battle of Corinth Leopantos against the Venetian fleet with which he was joined Hungary, France and Spain, blessed by the papacy. Victory over Venice brought no great booty, but only fear was introduced Europeans to not deal with the Ottomans, and in turn, brought the superiority of the Ottoman fleet against Western fleet. At this time, all of Asia Minor was incorporated into the Ottoman state. During his government began a long war with the shah of Iran, because he had invaded Iraq, Armenia, Kurdistan and Asia Minor also require Ottoman house. This fight took profanity, because the Iranians were Shiite and Sunni Turks. Finally, Iran was defeated in 1514 as far as the Ottomans entered the territory of Irans state itself and took a large part of the state treasury. He succeeded in defeating his government Venice medieval maritime power, and after that even Iran, which had more possessions than the Ottomans. Eventually, Asia Minor, during the government, his became the Ottomans, that would be the center of the Turkish nation. So Albanians historical occupied territories where lies today the Turkish nation. 4 - Ahmet Pasha Dukagjini There was prime minister for a short period of time from the years 1514 until 1515 and is derived from the family of Dukagjini. During the rule of Sultan Selim, he was a high-ranking general title, and then bejlerbe of Rumelia was then governor of the Balkans, and later became prime minister. Dukagjini, during his government as governor of Egypt, aimed at the countrys independence from the power of the Sultan. He rebelled against the sultan, but was defeated by military forces, and cut his head was sent to the Sultan in Istanbul. 5 - Ibrahim Pasha Butrint was originally from, but there are scholars who say the Chams Parga, however, was Albanian. During a military expedition in Albanian lands sultan took, and put in his palace along with his son, Suleiman, who in 1520, becoming the Sultan, and his childhood friend makes prime. So he grew brighter Sultan Suleiman was one of the greatest Sultans empire, perhaps the greatest. He was educated and received sufficient education to be a military and skillful politician. There was prime minister from 1523 to 1536 years. He married the sister of the Sultan, who made a magnificent wedding. As became prime minister, led the campaign for the conquest of Belgrade and Rhodes. Thus, in 1526 he was put in charge of an army of 100,000 persons, and went against Hungary. In August of that year took place battle Mohac where Hungarians were defeated and, thereafter, the Ottoman army took the capital Buddha. This betjë, in which participated and Sultan Suleiman, was a historic battle because the Ottomans after this came the limits of central Europe and seriously threatened. Battle of Mohac was one of the biggest battles that have developed Ottomans, but the Albanian commander. But keep in mind that Hungary made a 100-year war, since 1444 when she sought the help of Skanderbeg, the significance of this victory is historic. In 1529 the Ottoman army of 250,000 soldiers, commanded by Abraham, in which its sultan participate and besieged Vienna. Vienna was bombed stiff but not surrendered. The failure of the Ottoman army, in making Vienna, adversely affected by cold which was not taught the Ottoman army, since it came from a warm area. In 1532 was the chief commander of another war with Austria but rather to Hungarian territories. In this fight he was defeating Austria and managed to eventually turn Hungary into a province of the Ottoman Empire. In 1534 managed to invade Azerbajaxhanin and further expanded the territories of the Ottoman state in the east. Abraham and Capitulations signed with France, which many scholars call the disadvantage of Turkey in terms of the economy, because the French traders were privileged in the empire, but on the other Capitulations were an agreement with France against the common enemy, Austria, which wanted to attack simultaneously. Thus, the first part of foreign policy was not a bad deal, because it was allied a western country. He managed to suppress the gun all the uprisings in the country. In 1536 killed in the palace of the Sultan where he grew up, but it is not known who killed him and for what, though many historians say was killed for jealousy, because he had managed to succeed. I do not believe have been up sultan in his assassination as usually happened to the Ottomans, because they had grown up together as children, and a great Sultan Suleiman as there could be no soul so small. In the story remains one of the greatest vizier of one of the greatest Sultans of the Ottoman Empire. He is credited managed to conquer Hungary, which had 100 years to challenge the Ottomans, attacked Austria although do not occupied with the action terrified Europe, invaded Azerbaijan, signed a coalition agreement with France etc. 6 - Ajaz Mehmet Pasha Was prime minister in 1536-1539 years after the death of Abraham. It was from Vlora and was born in Vunoi. Entered the palace of the Sultan devishermesë system, which was taking Christian children at an early age, and education for service in the army where the best service held in the palace of the sultan. At the beginning of his career has been bejlerbej then governor of Anatolia and Damascus. The Albanian uprising Ahmet Pasha, a senior state official rebel against the central government. Took part in the Battle of Mohac and other Albanian besides Rhodes was in prime time Ibrahm Pasha. In 1536 he became prime minister, office he held until his death in 1539. During his government he led military campaign against Romania and managed to conquer Romania Mildavinë. Between the Dnieper and Dniester rivers was created a new sanjak occupied lands. In 1538 the Ottoman fleet in Preveza fleet defeated three Western powers, the Habsburg Charles V, Venice and the Papacy. After this defeat Venice was forced to issue several cities in Dalmatia and to pay an annual tribute heavily in favor of the Ottomans. He took part in suppressing the uprising in his homeland, Himara, as was the prime minister probably could not do otherwise than waiting out the sultans head. Prime Ajaz Ahmed Pasha is credited invaded Romania and Moldova as well as European naval fleet defeated. 7 - Lutfi Pasha Ruled as prime minister in the years 1539-1541. Was originally from Vlora, where the Ottomans took that small. He grew up in the palace of the sultan, where he received all necessary education politico-military. Historians have said that time is stubborn and spiteful Albanian, he took part in the siege of Vienna in 1529 along with senior Albanian and Albanian Prime Minister is. There were bejlerbe of Rumelia, ie the Balkans. He participated in the Battle of Otranto against the Italians, who also was defeated. After the death of prime Ajaz Albanian Mehmet Pasha, he became prime minister. During his term, made peace with Venice, which was more favorable to the Ottomans because it brought territories, money and tranquility. He entered into negotiations for peace with Austria. At war with the Arabs took some territories of Yemen, and reached out to the Red Sea. In 1541 he stepped down of his own volition, but the reasons are not known. His relationship with the sultan was good, because he was son of the Sultan, after marrying his sister. 8 - Rustem Pasha Prime Minister of the Empire of Albanian origin, who ruled in the years 1544-1552 and for the second time, in the years 1555-1560 after the death of Kara Ahmed Pasha, then he ruled the empire for 13 years. He managed to put in some parts of Yemen empire. In his government was conquered Tripoli in Libya, as it broke the Spanish fleet, carrying a large part of North Africa. He organized and led a second struggle against the Shah of Iran in 1548 which ended with the defeat for Iran and peace agreement would sign another Albanian, Kara Ahmet Pasha. 9 - Kara Ahmet Pasha It took little from the Albanian territories and raised in the palace of the sultan, where he and education needed to be a military government and neat. Sultan gave his sister to wife, as sultans often do big picture of the strengths of the state. During his career has been bejlerbej of Rumelia, the Ottoman zotrimet this name called in the Balkans. In 1526 took part in the Battle of Mohac against Hungary. During his prime, in the years 1553-1555, was commissioned might know the shah of Iran and signed with a peace agreement under which Iraq remained under Ottoman rule, Gruzia Armenia split apart, while Azerbaijan came under the rule of the Shah of Iran. The peace agreement was favorable that the empire came in the Persian Gulf, then another Albanian was he who brought the empire in the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf gave the Ottoman state. With the Ottoman fleet carries several invasions in North Africa. In 1555 beheaded, although you been son of the Sultan, the reasons why dihen.Megjithëse not ruled for a short time he managed to give the empire Gulf and part of North Africa. 10 - Semiz Ahmet Pasha Albanian origin was prime minister during 1579-1580 Well, for a short time, which are not marked very important event. Before becoming prime minister was bejlerbe of Rumelia. He took to wife the daughter of former Prime Minister Rustem Pasha. 11 - Koxha Sinan Pasha (1506-1596) The empire was prime minister five times in the years 1580-1582; 1584-1585; 1589-1591; in 1593; 1595-1596. Born in Topjanë the Luma, then was Albanian and grew up in the palace of the sultan. During his career he served as the Libyan government in Tripoli and Damascus, Syria. He has the merit that eventually subjected Yemen that partially had signed two other Albanians. With the conquest of Yemen Arabik.Në Sea empire came in 1580 manages his military campaign against Persia and Hungary, even though it was well into old age. He took part in another war against Austria, which ended with the peace agreement, but after his death. His hometown, Luma, facilitated taxes and duties, also established in Kaēanik a castle and a mosque. 12 - Ferad Pasha Even he like other prime ministers Albanians grew in the palace of the sultan, where he received the necessary education. During his career ruled Rumelinë, as bejlerbe. That the prime minister during 1591-1592 and in 1595. He participated in the war against Austria, which at this time lasted several years. He led the fight against Wallachia, after which they fired and killed by his rivals are Albanians. 13 - Take Hussein Pasha It was of Albanian origin. Started his career as a chef, and later served as wali in Misir. He served as prime minister in the years 1601-1602, ie for a short time. He called Take, because his opponents were using the word Classifieds take, destroy, so it was this name. 14 - Jemishxhi Hasan Pasha According to Sami Frashëri is of Albanian origin. (Sami Frashëri ... f.komp.45) .Ka stairs military and governmental career thanks to his skills. In 1602-1603, was prime minister of the empire. 15 - Kujxhu Murat Pasha There was of Albanian origin. Was prime minister during 1606-1611, ie for about 5 years. Along the amrrëveshja signed peace with Austria, with which the empire had for some years had resumed the fight. In 1606 Austria signed a peace treaty 10 years, according to which both parties had no territorial gains. Austria gave empire annual tribute of 200,000 duchies gold and in turn, the Ottomans recognized ruler of Vienna as emperor. These conditions were not conducive to the Ottomans, but the state was forced, after the country broke a major uprising and did not how to fight off when he had problems of anarchy in the country. He came to the great rebellion within the country, named as Xhelaliane uprising. So in a battle in 1608, when the Prime Minister was 90 years old, managed to destroy the insurgent army and destroy most of sajr. 16 - Nasuh Pasha Albanian was ruled as prime minister during the 1611-1614 years during which reigned a peaceful state without major wars. Before becoming prime minister worked as governor of Aleppo and Baghdad. 17 - Ohril Hussein Pasha He was born in the area of Pogradec, and died in 1622. He grew up in the palace of the Sultan and later became commander of the Janissaries, and the governor of Rumelia. Vizier was promoted and served as prime minister in 1621. 18 - Hasan Pasha He was of Albanian origin. Received small and was educated in the court of the sultan. In the beginning there was bejlerbej of Rumelia, then vizier low grade until he became Grand Vizier or prime minister in 1624. 19 - The sole Mehmet Pasha Was prime minister of Albanian origin of the empire in the years 1631-1637, ie for 5 years. Years who did not major events. After the task was imprisoned and executed, because so often do sultans. 20 - Mustafa Pasha Kamekeshi He was born in Vlora, and entered the Ottoman army by devishermes system. The first condition to make a career in the Ottoman Empire was to become Muslim, so, being that Albanians are not religious fanatics, but rather, are more tolerant of the others religion, did not mind to convert. At first entered the ranks of the Janissaries, and came to the post of commander of the Ottoman navy. He stood out as warlord in the siege of Iraq attendC and Sultan Murad IV, whose success took and title Grand Vizier was the highest title in the hierarchy of government, and ruled the country in the years 1637-1644. He was not only neat military, but also the master financier because he managed to successfully carry out financial reform through which brought the state budget crisis. The sultan killed because he wanted to take an administrative reform did not like, because violated his interests. 21 - Xhixhan Mehmet Pasha Albanian origin of the father, while the mother of the family of the sultan. He grew up and was educated in the court of the sultan, and governed in the years 1644-1645. Career began as wali of Egypt, and later of Damascus. During his government took Crete, which still kept Venice. Making Crete was a victory for the Empire, because it was a good geographical position, and in turn eventually expelled from the Aegean and Mediterranean Venice East. 22 - Kara Mustafa Pasha Albanian origin, born in Albania. He went to Istanbul as janissary and managed to become commander of the Janissaries. There was twice prime minister in 1655. During the years 1649-1650 and duty as minister of Navy, beat Venetian fleet. 23 - Tarhanxhu Mustafa Pasha Was originally from Mat and ruled the country in the years 1652-1653. Career began as governor of Egypt, and later of Thessaloniki. It was the first prime minister of the conditions of detention and looting campaigns failed to make the state budget to better manage income and expenses. He fell victim to his own wisdom, because nobody cared about the state budget, everyone wanted to eat as they could, so the phenomenon of corruption is as old as the oldest profession in the world. To say that he was incorruptible, and make the task as needed, so of course would not have long. Opponents zealously did he be fired and executed. 24 - Qypyrli Mehmet Pasha Berat, Albania was born in a poor family and had worked as a cook Sultan. He had no education, even, was illiterate, could not write and to read. But though illiterate, had other qualities that made prime minister of the empire in 1656-1661, at the age of 75 years old. Before becoming prime minister, he had worked as governor of Damascus, Jerusalem and Tripoli. He took power by placing some conditions Sultan as; choose own aides his associates in government and was free to govern the country, something which it had made no prime minister until then. Place was introduced in crisis, and he managed to balance the state budget by putting his hand to the ark of the Waqf and the Sultan. Strengthened discipline in the army which had begun to lose battles çartej and increased the efficiency of the navy. During his government defeated Venice, and led military campaign in Poland. Put peace in the country, killing thousands of people who do not obey, among them Orthodox partirarkun Istanbul. 25 - Fazli Ahmet Pasha Qypyrliu After the death of Mehmed took his place Fazlli son, who ruled for a period of 15 years from 1661 to 1676. It was educated in Istanbul and was less severe than the father. Career began as vali of Damascus and then as prime minister in a young 26-year-old. In foreign policy was made with Austria, which Albanian generals had not broken through. He captured the castles around Vienna, and was preparing to invade and Austrian capital itself, which terrified Europe. Despite great efforts failed to conquer Vienna. During his government fully occupied Crete, as Albanians who conquered for the first time had left several castles without conquered and reconquered Yemen in 1666 which was previously occupied by two Albanian prime ministers, but since 1635 was cut by perandoria.Vdiq at age 46 years, in 1676 from an incurable disease. 26 - Mustafa Pasha Fazli Qypyrliu It was the second son of Mehmet Qypyrliut and climbed the career ladder very quickly with the help of relatives, but also with its own merits. In 1690-1691 he was appointed prime minister at a time when Austria, during the absence of Albanians in government, from 1676 until 1690, ie for 14 years had defeated the Ottoman army in 1683 and had received large territories in the Balkans. At the head of an army defeated the Austrians and regained territories in the Danube, Nis and Belgrade. It addressed many good Christians and non-Muslim population of the empire, as they have done historically shqiptarët.r 27 - Ali Pasha Arabxhiu He was born in Ohrid. Entered the army as janissaries and ended as commander of the janissaries. Later he became commander of the guards at the Sultans court. In 1691 he become prime minister until 1692. Sultan did not adopt some of his political activities in running the state, and therefore executed. 28 - Hysen Qypyrliu Originating from the family of Qypyrlinjëve, first cousin Mehmet Qypyrliut children. In the beginning was the minister of the Navy, and after Belgrade protection against the Austrians, became prime minister in the years 1697-1702. 29 - Dalltaban Mustafa Pasha Albanian was born in Bitola, who climbed the career ladder thanks to his skill politico-military. From the commander of the janissaries janissary. He ruled in several vilayets as in Baghdad, Bosnia and Anatolia. Governed the country as prime minister in the years 1702-1703. 30 - Numan saw Qypyrliu Originally from qypyrlinjëve family, was the grandson of Mehmet Qypyrliut, and ruled the state in 1710. Before becoming prime minister in 1708 married the daughter of the sultan. 31 - Haji Halil Pasha Lestari It was from Elbasan. He climbed the career ladder with his effort and work, performing several tasks as commander of the government, until in 1716 he became prime minister. 32 - Ivaz Zade Halil Pasha became prime minister in 1770. 33 - Almedar Bayraktar Mustafa Pasha Albanian was the prime minister took office after enthroned Sultan Mahmut II Eat. There was a neat military and trade. He participated in military expedition against Russia. He helped Selim III to reform wayward Janissary army and became prime minister of the Sultan Mahmuti II. 34 - Memish smart Pasha was prime minister from 1808 to 1809 years. 35 - Gjirtili Nail Mustafa Pasha It was originated from Kastoria, which the Greeks call today Kastoria, and became prime minister three times with interruptions in 1853, 1854, 1857. Before he became prime minister ruled Crete for several years by placing the peace and tranquility there. He was minister several times, until he became prime minister of the empire. 36 - Mehmet Ferit Pasha Vlora Was prime minister in the years 1902-1908 and was born in Ioannina, after leaving the post of prime minister became Senate president and interior minister. 37 - Mirsili Said Halim Pasha Mehmed was the grandson of Kavala. He became a senator and then president of the Senate in 1912, interior minister and prime minister in the years 1913-1917. 38 - Izet Ahmet Pasha Originating from the monastery, which prime minister in 1918. 39 - Bulls Ferit Pasha It was the last prime minister of the Ottoman Empire in 1919-1920.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 22:17:56 +0000

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